Fic Talk > Updates
Proving Them Wrong
Thanks, Julilly! I'm glad you liked the ending, and I hope it wasn't too cliched LOL
Aww, it makes me sad when, once you've posted the ending to a story, the number of people who have it listed as a favorite drops. Poor PTW *pats Nick and Autumn* It's okay. I still loved you enough to finish you out LOL
I'm going to review in a bit...finally got a chance to read....and dude I'm really glad about the ending! It was so awesome and exactly what I had pictured would happen.
--- Quote from: starbeamz2 on November 20, 2007, 09:05:44 PM ---Thanks, Julilly! I'm glad you liked the ending, and I hope it wasn't too cliched LOL
Aww, it makes me sad when, once you've posted the ending to a story, the number of people who have it listed as a favorite drops. Poor PTW *pats Nick and Autumn* It's okay. I still loved you enough to finish you out LOL
--- End quote ---
OMG lol I was just thinking that when I finished UMS. I lost quite a few favorites cuz I guess once people are done reading they delete them cuz there won't be any more updates. Not like I get my udates anyway for my favorites (yet I get my review e-mails so go figure) Anyway yea... It's depressing lol
I'm definitely going to have catch up on PTW now!
I would never remember to un-favourite anything lol I wouldn't get the update emails so I would never think of it.
See, I never un-favorite anything because I love going back and reading stories that I love! I don't get emails reminding me of new chapters or anything, I just have them as faves so that it's an easy way to find the story LOL
And, Mel, you should definitely get all caught up on PTW now that it's over! You left before all the good stuff finally started LOL
I've gotten requests for a sequel, and I hate saying no, I'm not writing one because I think lightning would strike me dead if I did. Besides, I'm through with Autumn. I need a new character. Hopefully, if all works out Spencer from Someday We'll Know will be a better and older replacement to Autumn LOL I'd best get writing on that one!
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