So, what's your thoughts on Alternate Universe fics?
I like them. I realized I don't read as many as I thought I did. What is it that draws or pushes you away from the genre?
I really don't pay attention to the genre. It's mostly the summary or the *looks around for Mare* the banner.Do you think AU's have a bad rep?
I don't think they have a bad rep, but sometimes they may be overlooked because the guys aren't BSB.As a writer, do you enjoy writing AUs or do you stay away from them?
Most of my stories are AUs actually and I really enjoy putting the guys in a different scenario. I guess I write AUs instead of OF because the guys still inspire me somehow and it's so much easier to write up a personality I'm familiar with as opposed to making one up. (I hope that makes sense.) They are still who they are, just didn't turn out to be Backstreet Boys. If you do write AU's, is your writing process different then when you write regular Fanfic?
It's an easier process, because I'm not as big of a fan as I used to be. So I don't really know what they are doing at the time. Tour dates. Opening acts. And I"ve forgotten some of their history and I'm really too busy to go back and find out. (I know I'm a bad fan...