Fic Talk > Updates

1000 Ways To Kill Nick Carter

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Apparently all of the fans had some hidden, built-up hostility toward Mr. Carter and we're exercising our negative feelings towards him out through this story.    :D  I was at the beach this weekend, and I came home to a million chapter updates and review emails. Haha.  I was like, 'Wow, you go on vacation and you miss Nick dying... like 10 times.'  ;)

I added another chapter. I'm hoping to get another one, possibly two more out today.

Nice!  I woke up yesterday with another idea, but I'm hoping I can hold off on it for awhile and get some work done on my other story instead.  I love this project, but it's hard to write anything else when you just want to keep killing off Nick! LOL

Is it horrible I got another idea while I was preparing my lunch? haha I'm at work listening to all these 911 calls and in the back of my mind I'm like "would that be a good kill nick story".

^ LMAO!!  Eh, horrible or not, I would probably be the same way!  You take ideas wherever you can get them.


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