Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

Featured Story for May 2007 - Children Like Me by Mersey

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dude, is that supposed to be an insult to my normal reading speed? :( or you're having doubt in my reading your story now *borrow's Nick's pouting*

lol... yeah, that's what you get for procastinating your reviews and then back to the story again, and then off and then back again... just to let you know that i'm not reading everything at one time, as mentioned the last time i read and stopped at the 4th  chappy and of course, yesterday mare said it was the last day so i sped off with my reading. thank God, your boss does not buzz me much so kind of sitting good at my seat and read fanfics and what's my post again? oh yeah secretary, lmao!!!!!

though it was quite confusing in some parts of the story - like the twisting and turn of the plot, like voices coming from here and there, luckily i could understand most of your detailed information and well-description of the characters, so wallla!

and *borrow Dean's" don't mention it dude!


--- Quote from: Gal1015 on May 29, 2007, 10:37:47 PM ---dude, is that supposed to be an insult to my normal reading speed? :( or you're having doubt in my reading your story now *borrow's Nick's pouting*

lol... yeah, that's what you get for procastinating your reviews and then back to the story again, and then off and then back again... just to let you know that i'm not reading everything at one time, as mentioned the last time i read and stopped at the 4th  chappy and of course, yesterday mare said it was the last day so i sped off with my reading. thank God, your boss does not buzz me much so kind of sitting good at my seat and read fanfics and what's my post again? oh yeah secretary, lmao!!!!!

though it was quite confusing in some parts of the story - like the twisting and turn of the plot, like voices coming from here and there, luckily i could understand most of your detailed information and well-description of the characters, so wallla!

and *borrow Dean's" don't mention it dude!

--- End quote ---

LOL! No. I think I insulted myself, cause I’m a very slow reader…ask Moppy, she’s still waiting for me to finish all her chapters and I only managed 2 more for the entire of yesterday.

Sorry, might be a little confusion there. I saw your previous post on this thread and you mentioned reading 4 chapters and then going back to reading the rest. And then I saw the time for when each review was posted and realised you spent almost an hour reading the remaining 19 chapters, hence the speed-reading comment. I’m flattered you sat through that time reading it. And don’t worry about the confusion, Kelly spent a couple of days reading my fic and she got confused over a certain part of the fic, so I can only imagine what it must have been like for you! If it makes it better, I did make a post in this thread explaining the confusion part (assuming this is the part that got you confused as well!).

Oh by the way mare, I still haven’t received your PM about the star/rating count thingy I asked on the star count thread. I don’t think PMs should be this late right? I think I might have some problems with my PMs, lol. Either way, it’s not really important, so if the PM doesn’t work for some reason, you can email me the info whenever you’re free, thanks in advance by the way!

oh and gal! *giggles* this week is the last week of May, you didnt have to read everything in a day, yesterday wasnt the last day, im sorry you misunderstood that, coulda save you all that speed-reading! could've saved you all that pressure to hurry up, sides, it's just a fic, dont sweat about it :)

Don't listen to her Gal, she's not slow.......she just takes her time reviewing each chapter carefully LOL  ;D

Just wanted to thank Mersey and everyone else who participated in this thread this month. I knew this story would be a hit.

Anyone else have any final thoughts?


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