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Author Topic: I've got the I love my idea for the sequel so why can't I write it bluuuues.  (Read 2732 times)

Purpura Lipstick

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I'm sure othere people go through this.  You start a story, whether it's a sequel or not, and for some reason it isn't going as smoothly as you'd like or as easily as the first one flowed.

That's my problem right now with Chronos Breach.  I love the idea I have for the story I love writing it but it isn't flowing as easily/quickly as Chronos Project did for me.

On another note, I noticed that I have times of the year where I am a more active writer than other times.  It seems I do not write as much during the end of the year, my active time is during the end of the summer.  I'd say it's because of vacation, but I don't have a summer break I work all year round. 

Anyone else notice a time when you just aren't as active in writing/reading?
- Purpura -


  • Chief of Disorder
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Aw Lore, I hope you manage to carry on with it as I'm enjoying the story.

Sometimes I might not feel in the mood for fanfic, but it doesn't last long, especially when I notice my favourites are updated :)

Purpura Lipstick

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I don't plan on quitting Steph, I have it outlined out I know where I need to go with it but the words will not come out of my head and onto the paper.
- Purpura -


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That happens to me sometimes, but it'll come to you. 


  • Major Disruption
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That's what's happening to me now.... before I took a break from writing the The other side I already know what kind of ghosts Carter would deal for the next few chapters. I even planned a chapter wherein I could officially add "romance" to the category of this story (that's what I think, lol). But after finishing the MS I sent for the storywriting contest, I just can't seem to go back to writing the other side. I can't even start the next chapter, right.  :(

I really hope we can't get past this, Lore. I'm glad to know you don't plan on abandoning Chronos Breach.
A world without Alex is a wasted space.

Purpura Lipstick

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I really hope you can get passed it too Ritz... I can't wait for a TOSONC to be updated again.

I usually don't abandon stories... I have 3 right now that are .. but 2 of them could still end up finished one day.  :)   I like the idea behind CB too much to just stop.  I just need the motivation to write ... I have 4 chapters written so expect an update I just want to start the next one soon. LOL. 

Oh and Steph you can update your new fic at any time too!! :) Love it
- Purpura -


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Yup, this time of year it feels more like homework than something I enjoy doing. In the summer and fall is when I really enjoy writing. When winter hits I get the blahs and in spring i'm really busy.

I have regretted every single sequel I have ever written except Seasons of Change. That's why I don't plan on ever doing another one. lol

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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I know what you mean.  I usually end up taking time off or starting something new.  It seems like the more stories and ideas I have going, the more I end up getting written.  If I only have one story that I'm working on, it seems like I update once a week (or less).  Weird how that works, huh?  haha.

I'm sure it'll come to you in time, though!  Like everyone else said, it could have something to do with the season.  Winter's so dull and unmotivating at times!  Good luck to you and anyone else who is experiencing writer's block.  Try not to put undue pressure on yourself and I'm sure the words will start flowing soon!  :)


  • Major Disruption
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That's happening to me right now. I'm stuck on Home but Me Without You is somewaht coming along. For a while I was very stuck with MWY and then suddenly the wall crumbled.

Good luck Lore. I'm sure you'll get it.

Purpura Lipstick

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Yup, this time of year it feels more like homework than something I enjoy doing. In the summer and fall is when I really enjoy writing. When winter hits I get the blahs and in spring i'm really busy.

I have regretted every single sequel I have ever written except Seasons of Change. That's why I don't plan on ever doing another one. lol

I have one other story that spurred a series that I kept up with..my vampire story..the 3rd on that is a little stalled but I want to finish.  I do have one story that I started a sequel and was like 12 chapters in and groaned about it so often I just deleted it. I should have never started a sequel to More Than That. Heh

Thanks everyone. I am glad to see I am not alone in the time of year affecting me.
- Purpura -


  • Chief of Disorder
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Winter makes me less motivated to do things too, I hate it!

I've never done a sequel either because by the time I've finished the story, I think I've said it all.  But I don't mind sequels if there's still plenty to be told :)