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Whatever the Night May Bring ending options (poll)

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Purpura Lipstick:
*whistles* whoops I tied it up.... but really any way you end this will be fantastic and I can't wait Mare!

Thanks, Lore. You actually broke the tie and now bringing the other Nick is in the lead.

My next question to you guys, after this chapter they will start splitting. Would you like reading one entire outcome first? Or posting them simultaneously? I've never done this before so just trying to figure out the best way to do it.

After 38 everything will turn into 39 a 39 b etc... I could post a and b at the same time or just do all the a's and then all the b's. Not that there will be that many chapters once we split. There might only be two. NO idea yet. lol

Purpura Lipstick:
Hrm, I think that I might like reading them simultaniously! that might be intriguing to start one, start the other, continue with one with the other. Makes it really seem like they are going on at the same time which they will be right? 

Yup, if I do it that way it would be parallel just like the story I guess lol I'm just afraid it might be confusing.

I think I would like to read them simultaneously .  I thougt think it will be confusing if you label them A and B.


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