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Author Topic: A little story convo  (Read 8851 times)


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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #15 on: February 12, 2012, 05:48:18 PM »

Aww thanks, Ritz! I'm glad I could help with the inspiration. :)
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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #16 on: February 13, 2012, 04:10:08 PM »

Thanks for starting this thread, Erika; it's nice to get some new fanfic discussion going on here!

Name three stories that really caught your attention last year and why.

1. "Save a Prayer" by Carter-Orange
At first this one caught my attention because it reminded me of the old story "Survivor" about BSB vs. 'NSync on the reality show, which was a really entertaining read.  But Save a Prayer took a twist and turned into a real survival story, which was even more entertaining.  Steph did an awesome job with the adventure genre and the gore.  I loved it!!

2. "Fracture" by Starbeamz
I love angsty Brian/Nick stories, and Sarah is a great writer, so it was just a given that this one would hook me right away.  I just wish she'd update it!

3. "Homecoming" by Louise
Louise is an old favorite writer of mine, so it was awesome to see her reemerge with a new story!  Sci-fi's not my favorite genre, but it was nice to a see a well-written new sci-fi pop up on AC to add some variety to the most recent.  They say variety's the spice of life... well, that's equally true of fanfic!

Did you finish or start any new projects this year?

If we're counting "this year" as 2012, then no, but if the last twelve months count, I did finish Curtain Call back in October.  I didn't start any new projects of my own (at least not that made it online), but I did contribute to two new round robin projects, 1000 Ways to Kill Nick Carter and Revenge of the Slaughtered.

What are you reading lately?

Fanfic-wise, I haven't really been reading anything new, although I need to check out a couple of Steph's recent stories.  Most of the in-progress stuff I'm following doesn't get updated very often.  I reread a few old favorite fanfics back in January, when I was working on converting them to ebooks for my Kindle.  I haven't read much lately in the world of published fiction either; I think "Catching Fire" is up next on my to-read list.

Recommend a story or two you think someone might enjoy! (one can be your own)

Any of the stories I mentioned in this post are worth reading!

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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #17 on: February 13, 2012, 04:14:51 PM »

Thanks for the Curtain Call mentions, and Mare, it's probably a good idea to just wait until Guilty Roads is finished to read the rest LOL.  I wish I had the willpower to wait until it's finished to post the rest, but whenever I do manage to finish a chapter, I always think, "Okay, this is it; I'm on a roll" and post it, expecting to be able to keep updating regularly... and then I run out of steam again.  I haven't written anything on anything in like a month, so I make no promises at this point LOL.

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Purpura Lipstick

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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2012, 05:11:11 PM »

I do that with Empty Julie.  I get writing and think that my muse has shifted his attention to that story, so I post the chapter and then PSYCH, my muse is gone from that story and on to another. 
- Purpura -


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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #19 on: February 13, 2012, 05:44:15 PM »

Yeah, I hate that!!  I was thinking once I finished CC, which was the story that killed the momentum I had on GR at the beginning, I'd be able to focus on GR, but all that's happened is that I don't feel like writing anything now LOL.

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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #20 on: February 14, 2012, 12:27:12 AM »

Yay! I'm glad you guys liked the post. It's always fun to hear from you ladies.
Also thank you so much for all the mentions. I'm glad that you enjoy reading my stories ;)

Name three stories that really caught your attention last year and why.

Chronos Project by PurpuraLipstic k: This story was very different to what I read. But Lore did a great job writing the whole jumping from one era to another. Plus, there is some romance in there too and there aren't many new Kevin fics out there. :) Glad I met her last year.

Maybe Tomorrow by Carter-Orange: So well written in the era it takes place and I just love the guys personalities and how the romance is pure like back in the days. I love the setting. It's an awesome story...I'm hooked.

The Other Side Of NC by Alexsgirl_ritz: totally unique idea she has going. I love how she develops the characters (ghosts) and their interactions with Nick. She is doing an amazing job, especially since english isn't her first language. Great job!

I know I said three, but I got pretty hooked on this one too...

It Stays With You by Mare: It's a really well written suspense that makes you go through so many emotions while reading. It teaches you that shitty things can happen to good people in the blink of an eye.

Did you finish or start any new projects this year?

Well not exactly this year, but towards the end of last year I actually finished about three stories I had lingering to end for the past three to four years. WOW!! On top of that I started two different stories Underneath Your Clothes and Fight Me which are so far gettilng written smoothly. I've talked about collabs with others, but nothing concrete yet!

What are you reading lately?

I've actually gotten much better at reading lately. I'm reading a little of everything. Deadline: February 14, Time Has a Way both by Tri, Maybe Tomorrow by Carter-Orange,  The favor by Summer03, Chronos Breach by PurpuraLipstic k.

Recommend a story or two you think someone might enjoy! (one can be your own)

I think any of the storys that I have mentioned would be good reads. As for mine I would say Fight Me...


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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #21 on: February 14, 2012, 07:24:28 PM »

Late to the party... as always  :P  But alas, here I go!

Name three stories that really caught your attention last year and why.
1)  Curtain Call -- definitely this.  I started reading this story after being diagnosed with melanoma and I'll be totally honest and say that when I read cancer I almost closed the browser and decided against.  I was going through so many emotions at the time, even after finding out that I was going to be okay that I didn't think I could read a story about someone who wasn't... but I'm SO glad I did.  Julie did an AMAZING job with the characters and the raw emotions of this one.  I loved it.

2) Something Beautiful -- Loved the story... loved the idea and Pengi did an amazing job of writing this one!

3) Song For the Undead -- Still enjoying this one... if only it were updated more  ;)

Did you finish or start any new projects this year?

I did start a new project -- "Have a Little Faith"... but things are way too busy right now with work and getting my master's degree to sit down and really have time to write.  So hopefully soon!!

What are you reading lately?  Right now I'm reading "Eat, Pray, Love" and the book "Ghost Soldiers"  haven't been reading too many fics lately because I'm always away from my computer until late at night, but I need to look into some that have been mentioned!

Recommend a story or two you think someone might enjoy! (one can be your own)
 If you haven't read any of the stories above, I highly recommend them!
« Last Edit: February 14, 2012, 09:58:32 PM by Kentuckychickrk »
-- Rachel --

*And in that line now was a whiskered old man, with a linen cap and a crooked nose, who waited in a place called the Stardust Band Shell to share his part of the secret of Heaven; that each affects the other, and the other affects the next, and the world is full of stories, but the stories are all one.*
-- Mitch Album


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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #22 on: February 14, 2012, 08:55:52 PM »

Thanks for the mentions, Rachel!  Song for the Undead will hopefully be updated soon... we really are planning to finish that one this year!!  And thank you so much for the compliments on Curtain Call... I'm honestly surprised you got through that one, after your scare with melanoma, but I'm glad you're glad you did; that means a lot to me.  That was a sad story to write, and it seems even sadder now that I'm looking back on it from a distance.  I don't think I could ever write something so sad again, but I guess that was the challenge that made it worth writing.  Thanks for reading it!

Something Beautiful is an amazing read too... long live the sad stories!  I haven't read Have a Little Faith yet, but having read some of your others, I know you love them as much as I do. :)

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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #23 on: February 15, 2012, 12:53:42 AM »

Thanks for the Undead mention! I swear I'm workimg on the next chapter lol
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #24 on: February 22, 2012, 05:56:58 PM »

Yes Song For The Undead is a major favorite of mine, probably one of my all time favorite stories. Its simply amazing :)


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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2012, 08:33:15 PM »

Name three stories that really caught your attention last year and why.

I'm gonna use "this year" as 2011, since we're barely into 2012 lol.

Save a Prayer by Carter-Orange. It's so reminiscent of my favorite old school survival stories. Only she doesn't hesitate to really go there with the gore, which was what I really loved about it.

Whatever The Night May Bring by Mare - this story is so different what Mare usually writes, but at the same time similar. It's weird but in that OMG I can't stop reading! sort of way. One of my favorite things she decided to do is the chose your ending deal. I just love it all around.

The Archangels by Rebellious_One I just wish she'd update! This story is deep, it's thought provoking, and it's creative. I really love it. The only thing that kills me is the lack of updates right now LOL.

Did you finish or start any new projects this year?

Yep! I finished my story Remember Me This Way which really just flowed from me start to finish. And I started my story Divine Intervention, which I likely shouldn't have since I still have another in-progress story, but oh well lol. I always have multiple projects.

Oh! And I did start up two round-robins 1000 Ways to Kill Nick Carter and Revenge of the Slaughtered lol.

What are you reading lately?

"Whatever The Night May Bring" by Mare, "Maybe Tomorrow" by Carter-Orange (which I still need to catch up on, sorry Steph!), "Guilty Roads" if my fab ZDR ever updates it... lol.  ;)

Recommend a story or two you think someone might enjoy! (one can be your own)

"Homecoming" by Louise, just because it's such an amazing sci-fi, and "Fracture" by starbeamz, which is so far looking to be like a fantastic angsty Brian/Nick fic. I'm a sucker for those.
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

"Don't annoy the writer. They may put you in a book and kill you." —Anonymous

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Purpura Lipstick

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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #26 on: February 24, 2012, 09:36:05 PM »

ooooh I forgot about The Archangels!! I LOVE that story.  I hope she comes back and updates soon, it's a great story so far and I'm anxious to read more.
- Purpura -


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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2012, 01:36:33 PM »

I love these questions!!  I'll try to reply after work tonight!! :) 


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Re: A little story convo
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2012, 11:27:47 PM »

Name three stories that really caught your attention last year and why.

First: Everyday I Love You by Colorguard Queen.  I'm SO hooked on that story.  I was hooked on it's predecessor, Livin' A Love Song so when I saw she did a sequel and what it was about, I was THRILLED.
Second, Just Between You and Me by Simple Sue. ANY story that combines Nick and Donnie?  I'm all over it!!  Then when I got into it, I was completely hooked. I couldn't WAIT for updates!
Third, Home by Sapphire.  I've always been a closet AJ luster...ok, so I wasn't so much in the closet about him....from the first word, I couldn't wait to read more.   

Did you finish or start any new projects this year?

Oh my goodness, yes. For the first four months of the year, I was extremely productive. I hope I can keep it going.  I just finished posting my first ever Brian story and I currently have 3 stories going, one a collaboration, and another two ideas on the back burner. I don't know what has motivated me...ok, that's a lie, I do know...Since I've gone back to school, my desire to write has expanded to the point I want to write a novel. Writing fanfiction is helping me focus...and I'm trying to branch out into different areas.  Hence why my stories now star a multitude of characters. 

What are you reading lately?

Sexify My Love by Simple Sue, Me Without You by Sapphire, Everyday I Love You by Colorguard Queen, Home by Sappire.

Recommend a story or two you think someone might enjoy! (one can be your own)

Does He Love You...I know it's one of my own, but I genuinely love the story.  Simple Sue is such a talented writer to collaborate with. Everyday I Love You by Colorguard Queen. If you haven't read Livin' a Love Song, you have to read it first to experience the drama fully.  Home by Sapphire.  It's such an awesome storyline.  And she writes it so beautifully. I cried more than once.  And, I know this may be pushing, but I'd love it if you guys would give The Price of Fame a chance.  I don't know why, but that story was a turning point for me.  I put so much into it.  I'm really proud of how it came out. 
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