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Author Topic: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder  (Read 5510 times)


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Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« on: April 21, 2012, 12:11:13 PM »

When  Kevin left the group, did you stop writing about him in your fanfics and if he does come back will you regularly include him again?

If you weren't a fan back in the Kevin days, how do you feel about a return? Will you write him into your fics and how hard will it be to incorporate him into your stories?

Do you find yourself writing the New Kids into your stories because they are collaborating together?

How much do you let what the boys are doing in real life, influence what you write?

Do you tend to write them as one particular age or do you usually write them at the age they are while you're writing your story?

If the boys were to suddenly break up, would you still write fanfics about them?

What are your favorite types of stories to read concerning the boys and their relationships to each other?

Do you tend to write them close to how you perceive them to be in real life or does it not matter to you?

Do you write about your favorite boy mostly or do you just go with who you think people want to read about?

Is there a boy you aren't a particular fan of and how hard or easy is it to write about that person objectively? Do you tend to always make them the bad guy? Would your answer surprise us?

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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2012, 12:57:56 PM »

When  Kevin left the group, did you stop writing about him in your fanfics and if he does come back will you regularly include him again?
If the story took place in a timeframe that he was not around, then I didn't include him. I had one that took place over the Unbreakable tour, and obviously Kevin wasn't there for that, so he didn't appear in the fic. I think they might have mentioned him once in the whole story. If he came back I'd probably include him, but honestly I jump around with timeframes so much in my fics Kevin being in the group doesn't impact my writing very much.

If you weren't a fan back in the Kevin days, how do you feel about a return? Will you write him into your fics and how hard will it be to incorporate him into your stories?
I'm not sure I would be a fan of Kevin's return if/when he does, so I think it'll be hard to me to objectively include him if I end up writing a story that takes place after he has returned.

Do you find yourself writing the New Kids into your stories because they are collaborating together?
Nope. Not interested in writing about New Kids.

How much do you let what the boys are doing in real life, influence what you write?
A lot! I like to keep things semi-realistic!

Do you tend to write them as one particular age or do you usually write them at the age they are while you're writing your story?
Nope, I jump around timeframes to suit my plot. For chaptered fics, I've written in Millennium era, Black and Blue, Unbreakable, This Is Us-ish and the hiatus.

If the boys were to suddenly break up, would you still write fanfics about them?
That is a really hard question... I honestly don't know. If it was a sudden break up, I would be very, very upset and I think it would kill a lot of my motivation to write. And if they were broken up, they wouldn't tour or put out an album so I'm not sure that motivation would ever come back. I would definitely want to keep writing, but I'd probably just move on to another fandom.

Or maybe that's how I'd start writing about NKOTB! lol just kidding.

What are your favorite types of stories to read concerning the boys and their relationships to each other?
I love, love, LOVE the ones where they are just hanging around being brotherly. The stories where their relationship with one another is the plot are my favourite types to read. There doesn't have to be a lot going on in the actual plot, but as long as those guys are just hanging out, being the guys I love so much! Anything that sort of resembles a documentary, I'm in. That's why I loved Why I'd Do It All Again so much, as well as A Million Little Things.

Do you tend to write them close to how you perceive them to be in real life or does it not matter to you?

I try pretty hard to write about how I perceive them in real life. I sort of fail on when it comes to Nick romance, cause I'm sure he's not as smooth and romantic as I've written him to be in some of those, but I guess I need to take some creative license there as Nick doesn't show us his romantic side very much, at least not as much as he shows us the way he acts with the other boys.

Do you write about your favorite boy mostly or do you just go with who you think people want to read about?
I mostly write about Nick, yeah. Even in Running Up That Hill, I try to spread the story out about all four of them, but Nick is quickly becoming the A plot.

Is there a boy you aren't a particular fan of and how hard or easy is it to write about that person objectively? Do you tend to always make them the bad guy? Would your answer surprise us?

Hmm... I don't actually think I have issue with this. I'm not so keen on Kevin right now, but I think I'm pretty good about not letting that show through. Especially since I'm okay with 2001!Kevin. I think it might be a challenge for me if Kevin ever did come back and I chose to write a bromantic story set in that timeframe. I think I'd have a hard time writing about Kevin in that case.

I hope my answers to this made sense lol my brain is not working today!
~Saka ♥

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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2012, 01:37:58 PM »

When  Kevin left the group, did you stop writing about him in your fanfics and if he does come back will you regularly include him again?
I wasn't writing fanfics when he left, but I've written him into my stories and will continue to do so.

If you weren't a fan back in the Kevin days, how do you feel about a return? Will you write him into your fics and how hard will it be to incorporate him into your stories?

If he comes back I'll be so happy, but if he doesn't then I won't be disappointed either.  I will write him into my stories if I'm writing a story set in the time when he's in the band.  I always try to include him somewhere though, even if it's just a mention.

Do you find yourself writing the New Kids into your stories because they are collaborating together?

I can't ever see myself writing a New Kids story, unless I'm adding them just to kill them off, lol.

How much do you let what the boys are doing in real life, influence what you write?

Depends on the kind of story I'm writing.

Do you tend to write them as one particular age or do you usually write them at the age they are while you're writing your story?
They're usually the age they are at the time I'm writing, or close to that age.  In Rewind though, I took Nick back to 2005 and then through to 2020. 

If the boys were to suddenly break up, would you still write fanfics about them?

I really don't know.  I'd be absolutely gutted if they broke up.  I suppose if there were people here still writing and reading, then I'd be here too.  It's a hard one to answer!

What are your favorite types of stories to read concerning the boys and their relationships to each other?

I'll read anything (not slash though)

Do you tend to write them close to how you perceive them to be in real life or does it not matter to you?

I try to write them how I imagine them to be.

Do you write about your favorite boy mostly or do you just go with who you think people want to read about?
I mainly write about Nick as he's my favourite boy.  In my current story, I've tried to make the story include all of them quite equally, but Nick just seems to want me to write more him, lol. 

Is there a boy you aren't a particular fan of and how hard or easy is it to write about that person objectively? Do you tend to always make them the bad guy? Would your answer surprise us?

I find it hard to write about Brian, I don't know why though.  Maybe it's because I'm not attracted to him like I am with Nick and Kevin. 


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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2012, 04:15:44 PM »

When Kevin left the group, did you stop writing about him in your fanfics and if he does come back will you regularly include him again?
I didn't stop writing about Kevin after he left, although his role might have been smaller in some stories - for example, Curtain Call takes place during the TIU tour, so Kevin didn't show up until about halfway through the story, when the tour was over.  I still try to incorporate him when it makes sense to, and if he comes back, I'll be able to include him more.

If you weren't a fan back in the Kevin days, how do you feel about a return? Will you write him into your fics and how hard will it be to incorporate him into your stories?
I hope he comes back!  I was never a huge fan of Kevin, but I was still devastated when he left, and although the guys have been great without him, it was amazing to see the five of them together in the Bahamas.  Kevin will always be a Backstreet Boy to me, so I'd love for him to make it official again.  I will definitely keep writing about him, and I think it will be a lot easier to include him if that happens.

Do you find yourself writing the New Kids into your stories because they are collaborating together?

How much do you let what the boys are doing in real life, influence what you write?
Their real lives influence my stories a lot!  I like to keep my fanfics as realistic as possible, so although the main storyline is fictional, I try to base the rest in reality.  I set it in a specific time (present day or a certain year) and include real events from that time.  I usually include their real life relationships or explain their absence in the story, instead of just denying their existence.  I consider their real life history to be "canon" in our fandom, and I don't stray far from canon unless I'm writing an AU.

Do you tend to write them as one particular age or do you usually write them at the age they are while you're writing your story?
I prefer to write them in the present, but if it fits the storyline better, I'll sometimes write them in the past.  Guilty Roads is set in 1999 because I felt like Nick needed to be young to explain all the stupid decisions he makes in that story, and also, I wanted to include Kevin.  Plus, the storyline was more powerful if it took place at a time when the Boys were at the height of their fame.

If the boys were to suddenly break up, would you still write fanfics about them?
Like Steph and Steph said, that's a hard question.  I think I would still try to write about them.  But like SakaSteph said, I don't know if the motivation would still be there.  Then again, while tours and stuff inspire some of you, they tend to do the opposite for me, so maybe I'd be better off! LOL  I hope I never have to find out!

What are your favorite types of stories to read concerning the boys and their relationships to each other?
Honestly, I love stories about tragedies bringing the Boys together.  Whether they're dealing with an illness (i.e. Swollen Issues) or accident (i.e. Where Can We Go From Here), fighting the elements (i.e. Save a Prayer), or facing a dangerous situation (i.e. Last Christmas), I love how those types of stories show them trying to protect each other and struggling with the possibility of losing each other.  Nothing brings out the brotherly love like a good near-death experience! LOL  I'm a sucker for the hurt/comfort stuff.

Do you tend to write them close to how you perceive them to be in real life or does it not matter to you?
I try to, but obviously I take some creative liberties.  It's hard because we only really know their stage personas, the sides of themselves that they let us see.  I don't think those are vastly different from their true selves, but they still may act differently than we'd expect in certain situations.  I just try to write them as I could see them acting in that situation in my head.

Do you write about your favorite boy mostly or do you just go with who you think people want to read about?
Brian is my favorite, but I write more about Nick because I get more readers that way.  ;)  LOL jk... the reason I tend to write more about Nick these days is because he just offers me more freedom.  We've talked about this before, but Nick is more malleable - you can bend him in a lot of different ways and work him into any situation, whereas Brian is pretty set, both with his relationships and his personality.  Most of my Brian stories or ideas these days are AU for that reason.  I also write the odd AJ story because he just works better for certain ideas.

Is there a boy you aren't a particular fan of and how hard or easy is it to write about that person objectively? Do you tend to always make them the bad guy? Would your answer surprise us?
I love all the Boys.  I don't put Howie or Kevin into the starring role very often just because I'm not drawn to them, but I like writing them as supporting characters.  I have to say, though, my favorite way to write Howie is as a supervillain - Dr. Rough in 00Carter is the most fun I've had writing Howie ever LOL.

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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2012, 07:06:30 PM »

I'll play along in the if I was still writing bsb fan fic mode. lol

When  Kevin left the group, did you stop writing about him in your fanfics and if he does come back will you regularly include him again?

No, I would still write about him just not in the group, if he came back I would add him to the group.

If you weren't a fan back in the Kevin days, how do you feel about a return? Will you write him into your fics and how hard will it be to incorporate him into your stories?

I was a fan during the Kevin era (lol) and he is/was/ and ever will be my fave. Wouldn't be that hard to put him back into my stories.

Do you find yourself writing the New Kids into your stories because they are collaborating together?

Normally I would use the F word here but I'll just say Hell-to-the-no.

How much do you let what the boys are doing in real life, influence what you write?

A lot I would say, I use it to perhaps inspire a story. Something that happened could have happened three different ways or what have you since you're not actually there. If that makes sense. lol

Do you tend to write them as one particular age or do you usually write them at the age they are while you're writing your story?

I tend to write in the now. How ever old they are when I'm writing the story. I may go back for flash backs or to get the story going but usually it's in the now. Even when I was 19 and writing this shit it was always now.

If the boys were to suddenly break up, would you still write fanfics about them?

Most likely not, as they are still together and I don't write about them anymore. lol

What are your favorite types of stories to read concerning the boys and their relationships to each other?

I don't read fan fic, I use too but I mostly write and when I'm not writing I'm being a Mom or gaming so...yeah :)

Do you tend to write them close to how you perceive them to be in real life or does it not matter to you?

I think I do yes.

Do you write about your favorite boy mostly or do you just go with who you think people want to read about?

I usually write about AJ but there others usually play a heavy part in the stories. When I started writing again Kevin had left so it was hard to write about him as a main character when he wasn't around.

Is there a boy you aren't a particular fan of and how hard or easy is it to write about that person objectively? Do you tend to always make them the bad guy? Would your answer surprise us?

Howie, I find Howie really hard to write. It's not that I'm not a fan, he seems boring to me, lol. He's usually talking on his cell in my stories. Which from what I hear in the fandom really isn't that much different from IRL.
The writer formally known as ScoobieGang. :D


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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2012, 07:17:01 PM »

When Kevin left the group, did you stop writing about him in your fanfics and if he does come back will you regularly include him again?
Kevin has never been a main character in my stories, but he usually appears in them. This could be as a member or nonmember of the group. It really just depends on the story. Even though he isn’t in the group, he’s still a part of the guys’ lives. So, I think that is why I put him in my stories. I just can’t write him off when he still a part of them.

If you weren't a fan back in the Kevin days, how do you feel about a return? Will you write him into your fics and how hard will it be to incorporate him into your stories?
I was a fan in the Kevin days. If he comes back great, if he doesn’t great. I just want him to be happy.  He’s in my fan fics so  I don’t have to worry about incorporating him in.

Do you find yourself writing the New Kids into your stories because they are collaborating together?
Well, I started writing a NKOTBSB story and I’m enjoying it. It’s fun to write about a tour so huge and wonderfully awesome.  Sure, having the two groups collaborating brought back my love for NKOTB. I don’t know if that’s the reason I started writing about them. I think the guys that I write about from New Kids On The Block have dynamic personalities, so I ended up getting ideas for stories about those guys. I decided to run with it and challenge myself. I enjoy writing about all nine guys. It can definitely be a challenge to write a scene with nine guys in it…lol.  There may come a time further down the line where I want to write about an actor, musician, or an original character. I don’t limit myself to just Backstreet Boys.

How much do you let what the boys are doing in real life, influence what you write?
It really depends on the story I’m writing. Sometimes it may be more true to life and other times it all comes from my mind.  Each story and idea is different.
I personally don’t write about their wives and kids a lot, because they aren’t who I set out to write about.  If I did, then I would be writing a Leighanne Littrell story, A Baylee Littrell story, etc.

Do you tend to write them as one particular age or do you usually write them at the age they are while you're writing your story?
I tend to write them in the present or a few years into the future. I do like writing in the future because I have no boundaries. I don’t have to worry about tours and things they did in the past (unless mentioned in the story). I have total freedom to create my world.

If the boys were to suddenly break up, would you still write fanfics about them?
Yeah, I would be sad, but I still would love them and their music. If I had an idea for a story, I would definitely write it. Fan fiction for me isn’t just about the Backstreet Boys. It’s a creative outlet for me. I enjoy writing and having them as the characters in my stories.

What are your favorite types of stories to read concerning the boys and their relationships to each other?

I like to read dramas and romances, but if I think a story sounds good I will give it a try. I am open to almost anything and read more than one chapter before I decide if I like it. You can’t always tell how a story is going to end by the first chapter. You got to give it time.
I like stories about all the guys, one of the guys, a few of them. It can be alternate universe. If I like the story I don’t worry who it’s about or how many of them are in it.

Do you tend to write them close to how you perceive them to be in real life or does it not matter to you?
I try to write them how I perceive them in real life, but I don’t know them personally, so I couldn’t never really write them exactly how they are.  I think as an author I may put one of the guys in a situation they may have face, so of course I may not write it exactly how they would react.

Do you write about your favorite boy mostly or do you just go with who you think people want to read about?
I don’t write only about my favorite boy….because there are a few….lol. I don’t write what I think people want to read. When I come up with an idea, the main character is part of the idea. So one story may be AJ and another one Brian, or a combo story with Nick and Howie.

Is there a boy you aren't a particular fan of and how hard or easy is it to write about that person objectively? Do you tend to always make them the bad guy? Would your answer surprise us?
I like writing about each of the guys. They each bring something to the table. At first it is sometimes hard to write about a guy, if you haven’t written him as a main character. That’s what I find challenging about writing. I like the writing isn’t always easy. I get a thrill out of writing each of the guys because they are so different. As I writer I think Nick is the easiest, so I try to put him in situations that are challenging. I am really starting to enjoy writing about Brian. I’m working on a Brian/Nick story.  AJ is fun for me to write. I definitely want to write a fics about Howie and Kevin. I’m just waiting for the right idea to pop up in my head.


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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2012, 09:21:02 PM »

When  Kevin left the group, did you stop writing about him in your fanfics and if he does come back will you regularly include him again?   I say once a backstreet boy always a bsb.Kevin is included in all my stoies.

If you weren't a fan back in the Kevin days, how do you feel about a return? Will you write him into your fics and how hard will it be to incorporate him into your stories? N/A

Do you find yourself writing the New Kids into your stories because they are collaborating together?I like the NK but I don't write about them.

How much do you let what the boys are doing in real life, influence what you write? I don't know what thier're doing in real life lol

Do you tend to write them as one particular age or do you usually write them at the age they are while you're writing your story?  old school to never gone days

If the boys were to suddenly break up, would you still write fanfics about them? yes

What are your favorite types of stories to read concerning the boys and their relationships to each other? any type

Do you tend to write them close to how you perceive them to be in real life or does it not matter to you?
  yes,I do write the way I think they are
Do you write about your favorite boy mostly or do you just go with who you think people want to read about? I write who I think will fit the story the best.

Is there a boy you aren't a particular fan of and how hard or easy is it to write about that person objectively? Do you tend to always make them the bad guy? Would your answer surprise us? I don't think it would surprise anyone but like most fans, I have trouble writing howie D but I love all the guys

« Last Edit: April 21, 2012, 09:30:18 PM by carterkid »


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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2012, 09:51:05 PM »

Completely off topic, but I love your new avy, Mare LMAO.  Sieg Heil, grammar!

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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2012, 09:57:09 PM »

Thanks lol I got a kick out of it.
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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2012, 03:12:34 AM »

When Kevin left the group, did you stop writing about him in your fanfics and if he does come back will you regularly include him again?

- I already include Kevin in most of my stories, except for Figured You Out as it took place around the This Is Us era. Whether he's a BSB or not it wouldn't affect my writing.

If you weren't a fan back in the Kevin days, how do you feel about a return? Will you write him into your fics and how hard will it be to incorporate him into your stories?

- I can't answer this as I was a fan while Kevin was in the group.

Do you find yourself writing the New Kids into your stories because they are collaborating together?

- I haven't put any of the New Kids into my stories. Although it was suggested recently I put Donnie into one....I didn't feel right about it. It has always been straight BSB for me writing wise. I'm a fan of NKOTB but it just doesn't work for me. 

How much do you let what the boys are doing in real life, influence what you write?

- I don't think it has affected what I'm writing or how I write....altho ugh I have used some aspects of Nick's life in my AU series....but the boys relationships and stuff...I tend not to touch on it.

Do you tend to write them as one particular age or do you usually write them at the age they are while you're writing your story?

- It depends on the story. I don't mention ages a whole lot but I do like writing about them in the earlier years.....like Millennium era for Weird World. It depends on what mood I'm in.

If the boys were to suddenly break up, would you still write fanfics about them?

- I probably would. I don't see a reason to stop for that, if people are still doing it and still reading, I would gladly keep writing fanfiction.

What are your favorite types of stories to read concerning the boys and their relationships to each other?

- I enjoy reading Nick and Kevin stories....sto ries where Kevin is sort of a father figure to him...and Nick and Brian ones, just seeing the boys act like brothers or family, those kind of stories give me the warm fuzzies :)

Do you tend to write them close to how you perceive them to be in real life or does it not matter to you?

- As for Nick....I tend to write him how I feel he is in real life but in some stories it is nice to see the guys written out of character, I enjoy writing them like that once in a while.

Do you write about your favorite boy mostly or do you just go with who you think people want to read about?

- Most of my fanfics are about Nick but I'm getting comfortable writing about any of them. I write who I want to write, not what people want to see.

Is there a boy you aren't a particular fan of and how hard or easy is it to write about that person objectively? Do you tend to always make them the bad guy? Would your answer surprise us?

- AJ and Howie.....for some reason I have trouble with them, especially Howie. It isn't that I don't like them, it is just difficult for me because I don't know as much about them as the others. I also tend to make Kevin the bad guy. I am not sure why but in my last few stories he's been a jerk or just plain evil....I think it is a subconscious thing honestly.


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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2012, 06:50:05 AM »

When  Kevin left the group, did you stop writing about him in your fanfics and if he does come back will you regularly include him again?

Even after Kevin left the group, I continued to write him into my stories regularly, in fact I don't think I've ever left him out of a long novel of mine. Maybe I have left him out of a short story or two but I could never bring myself to leave him out of a long story. At the risk of sounding like a corn nut, he'll always be a Backstreet Boy to me!

If you weren't a fan back in the Kevin days, how do you feel about a return? Will you write him into your fics and how hard will it be to incorporate him into your stories?

Always been a fan.

Do you find yourself writing the New Kids into your stories because they are collaborating together?

Nope. I tend to pretend it's not happening, kind of like I am pretending the impending apocalypse in December is not happening.

How much do you let what the boys are doing in real life, influence what you write?

I try to keep things as realistic as possible. I don't enjoy writing the boys out of what I conceive to be their normal characters. For instance, I'd probably find it hard to write the kind of Nick I did in Why I'd do it all Again if I were writing it now because he's not as much of a hot mess as he was back then. lol Stupid getting your act together Nick! How dare he!!! ;)

Do you tend to write them as one particular age or do you usually write them at the age they are while you're writing your story?

I admit I tend to like the back in the days story because their relationship to each other was so easily defined and that's what I was all about as a fanfic writer. Honestly, these days I don't get what they are to each other anymore so it's hard to channel. Back then it was much easier so I usually write before Kevin left stories.

If the boys were to suddenly break up, would you still write fanfics about them?

Since I've stopped writing fanfics, I guess I'd have to go the 'no' route on this one lol

What are your favorite types of stories to read concerning the boys and their relationships to each other?

I love reading action and drama based stories dealing with all five boys. Their interactions with one another and the whole brotherly bonding, love and looking out for one another always draws me in. I don't care about their relationships to other people whether it be a female or their kids, friends etc... it's the boys that drew me into this fandom not all the misc people in their lives. lol
Thank you for the Why and A Million Little Things mentions Steph! :)

Do you tend to write them close to how you perceive them to be in real life or does it not matter to you?

I tried to. Sometimes I think I did them justice, and others not so much lol but like so many of you have said, it's hard to really tell what they are like when no one is around and the cameras are off.

Do you write about your favorite boy mostly or do you just go with who you think people want to read about?

I always write all five of them but since brotherly bonding and being protective of one another is such an important plot point for me, I tend to write Nick as my lead even though Kevin has always been my favorite. Nick is such a close second it's pretty easy to do. I don't really think about what people want to read, if I did I'd be writing romance.  LOL

Is there a boy you aren't a particular fan of and how hard or easy is it to write about that person objectively? Do you tend to always make them the bad guy? Would your answer surprise us?

Not sure if it's surprising but I'm not really a Brian fan at all. Not that I hate him or anything, I love him to death but he gets on my last nerve often. I try not to transfer that into my writing and I think for the most part I don't. AJ is another one. I just find him odd but I tend to be able to write him because I too am odd lmao

Can I just once again say "Poor Howie!" lmao I agree with you Julie, I LOVED writing Howie as a villain in five BSB in search of a plot! I think that was my favorite writing of Howie ever!

I had to edit this post because I got both of the names of my stories wrong! lmao Jeez! You'd think I would remember the names of things I wrote. So, don't feel bad when I constantly massacre the names of your stories and characters, I seriously have the memory of a goldfish, it's almost scary!!
« Last Edit: April 22, 2012, 06:54:36 AM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2012, 10:29:47 AM »

For instance, I'd probably find it hard to write the kind of Nick I did in Why I'd do it all Again if I were writing it now because he's not as much of a hot mess as he was back then. lol Stupid getting your act together Nick! How dare he!!! ;)

LOL at this.  I can see how Nick might not be as interesting to write about nowadays as a few years ago.  Thinking about it, I realized I missed out on the opportunity to write hot mess Nick because I was writing Broken/BMS through that whole era.  I started Broken during Now or Never era, when Nick wasn't such a hot mess yet (but heading that way), and by the time I finished BMS in 2008, he was about ready to get his act together.  I guess I just messed him up in other ways LOL.

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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2012, 11:25:43 AM »

Yes, sadly it was very easy to picture him falling out a window because of PH and his anger. I can't see him doing that now. LOL Although... who knows, right?

You were too busy removing his appendages!
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2012, 11:26:39 AM »

LOL Yeah, you never know with Nick, but he seems to be in a much better place now... and with all his appendages, so that's good!

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Some fanfic writing questions to ponder
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2012, 11:37:00 AM »

Always a plus lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green
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