Chapter 1 has been read, and let me just say:
*Rolls eyes* Please tell me it gets better???
I was groaning before I'd even gotten through 2 pages. First of all she has the confidence of a snail, and in true Bella fashion, relishes in it. Also, what college student in todays day and age says "She's my dearest, dearest friend." Ugh. The clumsiness in Bella was understated. You knew she was clumsy but it wasn't evident in EVERY page just about, like it is in shades, almost like James wants it to be a comic undertone, not just a statement of character...
AND WHO DECORATES AN OFFICE WITH SANDSTONE FLOORING? Sorry, I took a year of geology. Sandstone crumbles and breaks, as walls, sure, but not as a floor. Heels don't clack on sandstone, they break the sandstone...
And in true Cullen tradition, everyone that has anything to do with "Edward" is PERFECT.
Barf tastic...
Wondering if I'll return it or not...