Playing the catch up game~
What I think of then I think of specific authors..
With Julie I definitely think of Curtain Call and her cancer stories. Broken/BMS were the first stories I read of hers but I LOVE Curtain Call and I'm really enjoying reading the whole thing all the way through
With Lore I think of Chronos Project, even though I haven't read it but I see her talking about it on twitter all the time! I actually don't think I've read anything of hers. I'll get on that!
Tracy is my Sailor Moon buddy lol. The first story of hers I think of is Figured You Out because I loved it so, so much! She also writes so many different types of stories and I see her as someone who isn't afriad to take an idea and run with it right away!
For UK Steph I can't actually think of one specific story and I think that's because she has so many of them! I know I've read a bunch of her stuff but they're all so different and I really envy her ability to branch out and write so many different things.
Mare makes me think of Why I'd Do It All Again because that was one of the first stories of hers I read and it inspired me to move away from romance and try writing something new. Plus that story was amazing and Nick falling out the window always makes me laugh.
What is the one story you have written you wish no one had ever read and why?Left and Leaving. I hate it. I've only left it on the site because the quality of the actual writing (not the plot/characters) is something I'm proud of. But in all honesty I wish I'd never written that and I'm embarrassed to have it posted on the site.
What is one genre you haven't written in yet but would LOVE to try?Science Fiction!! And I'm definitely working at it, albeit very slowly. I want the next story I post after Running Up That Hill is finished to be a sci-fi one, but the story idea I have means the entire story will have to be completed before I start posting it. But yeah I'd really love to experiment in that genre and play around in a while different type of world. I envy authors who can do that seemingly so easily because world-building is really difficult for me!