Fic Talk > Research Assistance
College help
I went to a college that didn't do the frat and sorority thing. In fact the ratio was 1 girl for every 10 boys lol
I was an RA for most of my college life though.
I had my own room and was in charge of my floor. If anything happened emergency wise, I was the one the kids came to. I had to patrol The hallways once every few hours when I was on duty and had to stay in my room. In my time doing this I had to take people to the hospital, sit with them as they had meltdowns, call 911, help with diabetic issues, sat in the middle of many roommate arguments and played devils advocate. Planned activities for my floor and even took field trips lol
^ and I have tons of crazy roommate stories as well. Just not my roomies lol
Ok so you were like a dorm supervisor basically? One of my characters is getting that role.
Yes, although its called resident assistants in most places. There are also resident advisors which are not students but adults. We report to them. They live on campus as well
--- Quote from: DelphinaCarter on June 29, 2012, 05:06:29 AM ---I see. I'm gonna look up some things on wikipedia and some other websites as well for a visual idea.
--- End quote ---
Do you know if you're going to set this story at a real college or make one up? If you're going with a real college, Wikipedia does have some good info on some of them, but also check the college's website. You can find a lot of info on majors and what campus looks like there. If you're making one up, you might still want to base it on a real college or a combination of real colleges you know of.
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