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Time zone / 2 a day limit on most recent

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--- Quote from: Rose on July 11, 2012, 11:15:34 AM ---I said "seems" for one, which by definition states that's how it looked, not precisely what it was. I was on AC at the time. I mean posting right after midnight is a little much, especially when you updated earlier that day and you aren't sure what time it'll log it as. People post from many time zones so it makes sense to err on the side of caution.

That's all I'll say on it though, as it is not my place to say more.

I wasn't accusing anything however, simply making an observation.


--- End quote ---

Right.... it's what it "seemed" to you, but that's just a slight way of going around what you really wanted to say, which is accusing me of skirting around the rules.

It was another day, plain and simple. When I saw the mistake, I pointed it out in case I was in the wrong. Maybe the rules should be expanded to say two within a 24-hour time difference? And have the actual times placed on the layout (because I don't see any, just dates).

Way to make someone feel welcomed. *golf clap* Somehow I'm not surprised, though.

The issue has been addressed and dealt with. Back to your corners! :P

Each situation is dealt with on a case-by-case basis, as per always. We appreciate you bringing the issue to our attention as soon as you realized it.


--- Quote from: Karah on July 11, 2012, 11:19:54 AM ---Right.... it's what it "seemed" to you, but that's just a slight way of going around what you really wanted to say, which is accusing me of skirting around the rules.

It was another day, plain and simple. When I saw the mistake, I pointed it out in case I was in the wrong. Maybe the rules should be expanded to say two within a 24-hour time difference? And have the actual times placed on the layout (because I don't see any, just dates).

Way to make someone feel welcomed. *golf clap* Somehow I'm not surprised, though.

--- End quote ---

Okay Karah, if you want to think that way, you're welcome to it. I however, don't want to discuss it any further. As I said before, it's not my place to say more than what I already stated. So after this I'll be done posting in this thread.

I would think you felt welcomed though, since you've been a member longer than just recently? In any event, have a nice day.

Sorry Julilly, I saw your post just now :) lol. I have faith in you and Mare in treating everyone fairly anyway. :) I didn't think my post would be taken personally by anyone.

Thanks Julia  ;)



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