Fic Talk > Updates

Mare's random updating space.

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Chapter 14 of Hope is now posted. Random, but important! :)

Enjoy and as always thanks for reviewing! It makes me day to read what you have to say. I love you guys. :)

So, funny story! All day today I have been a little bummed out because I hadn't gotten one single review and I know it's a Saturday and I know people are busy but I usually get at least one. So, finally I get my review and click to read and notice it's for chapter 14 still! That's when I realize, the reason no one has reviewed is because I had forgotten to post the chapter! LMAO!! Uh...Duh!

On that note, chapter 15 of Hope is now posted! LOL *walks out of thread naked*

Aw no! What a sucky feeling!  :(

But I'm glad  you've realized it's not because no one is reading... but because it was NOT posted! lolol.  ;)

Between you, Pengi, DelphinaCarter, and freedomwriter. ... I'm not getting any work done because I HAVE to read when y'all post! I've just left reviews for all of you, (I saw your response btw ♥ Thanks). Y'all are updating queens right now! haha I feel like at least.

This story just gets more and more interesting.  8-)

Aww, I didn't make the connection that you were that Mandy lol Thanks for the review!

If you ever get confused feel free to come in here and ask away! I know when I write in the overlapping style, flashback flash forward etc.. it might be hard to follow sometimes but I don't mind clearing things up. :) Unless it's because you're in a drunken stupor! LOL

Just buzzin', just buzzin'  :D haha  8-)

I will re-read when 100% sober tomorrow when I'm chillin' and doing spa day. haha and Yep, I am Mandy, why must I confuse people with different SNs?! :P Blah!

Will def. visit your thread if there's future confusion. Hey, are you mare from too? There's a mare on there that writes O.C. fic that I'm kind of obsessed with..... but not in a creepy stalker type of obsessed.... okay, maybe a little stalkerish ;)


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