Fic Talk > Updates

Julilly's update-a-thingy

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It had been so long since I'd last updated something that I couldn't find my old thread.

So I made a new one. Though I likely won't remember to update this, either. :P

I updated 30 Days though. With chapter number lucky 13.

I've just enjoyed catching up on a few chapters, really enjoying this story :D

It's nice to see you posting stories again!  Is this one that you've been writing in private and waited to post once it was finished, or is it actually in progress now?

I seriously love 30 Days like whoa.


--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on October 21, 2012, 03:17:40 PM ---It's nice to see you posting stories again!  Is this one that you've been writing in private and waited to post once it was finished, or is it actually in progress now?

--- End quote ---

This is the one that's finished, yup! It really was a great decision to do it that way because I was able to go back and fix continuity problems and little things to make the plot work better so I was really happy with it at the end. I'm already working on something else :)


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