Fic Talk > Felix Awards

Felix Awards Season Five!

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Purpura Lipstick:
eeek I gotta put this on my to-do list!

The reasons we do these awards every year:

"When are the awards?"

"I can't wait for these awards!"


"I am soooo happy you're doing this again this year!!"

"I feel so great to be nominated for something I've written, it really helps get me motivated!"

"Thank you so much for doing these, I look forward to it every year!"

These awards are not going to nominate themselves. As of now we have so few nominations that it seems like a waste of time so if you really do feel all that up there ^ start nominating! LOL

Purpura Lipstick:
I have four off the top of my head, the remaining categories are gonna take some research... heehee I will have to finish at home and send it. 

I'll be doing mine tomorrow hopefully, I need to do some deciding :)

Thanks ladies!


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