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Author Topic: This Or That!  (Read 4076 times)


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This Or That!
« on: May 27, 2013, 11:56:40 AM »

For the Summer challenge, everyone is filling out a reader's survey. Thought it would be fun for those of you not participating to fill one out as well! For the people who have already filled this out in the other thread, I added a lot more! lol

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?

Romance or Bromance?

All five guys, one or some?

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?

Female centered or BSB centered?

1st person or 3rd person?

More description or More dialogue?

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?

Slash or Het?

AU or Sci Fi?

Suspense or Drama?

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?

Emo or over the top happy?

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother?

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ?

Brian or "Husband"

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie?

Cliffhangers or not?

Open endings or resolutions?

Banner or no banner?

One shots or song fics?

Reader or writer?

Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #1 on: May 27, 2013, 02:24:53 PM »


Stories told in present day, or back in the day?
Present day

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?
Real, unless it's a romance

Romance or Bromance?

All five guys, one or some?
Any of the above

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?
I prefer standalone stories to series and novels of any length to one-shots.

Female centered or BSB centered?

1st person or 3rd person?
3rd person

More description or More dialogue?
I like a balance of both, but I'd rather read something descriptive than something that was all dialogue.

Character list or not

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?
Blood and guts! (Vicious feral kittens and killer bunnies are OK too.)

Slash or Het?

AU or Sci Fi?

Suspense or Drama?

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?
Happy and healthy after being sick and close to dying

Emo or over the top happy?

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother?
Big brother

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ?
Young, didn't-need-rehab-yet AJ

Brian or "Husband"
LMAO... Brian!

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie?
Evil Howie!

Cliffhangers or not?

Open endings or resolutions?

Banner or no banner?

One shots or song fics?

Reader or writer?
Early days... reader.  Now... writer.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #2 on: May 27, 2013, 04:02:30 PM »

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?
Present day mostly

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?

Romance or Bromance?

All five guys, one or some?
Don't mind

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?
Shorter and long stories

Female centered or BSB centered?
BSB centered

1st person or 3rd person?
Don't mind

More description or More dialogue?
A good balance

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?
Blood and guts

Slash or Het?

AU or Sci Fi?

Suspense or Drama?

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?

Emo or over the top happy?

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother?
Big brother Kevin

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ?
Don't mind

Brian or "Husband"
LOL Brian

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie?
Aw lol both

Cliffhangers or not?

Open endings or resolutions?

Banner or no banner?

One shots or song fics?
One shots

Reader or writer?
Bit of both



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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2013, 04:28:10 AM »

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?

I love me some old school BSB!!!

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?

I prefer no family to be honest. Unless it is just about one boy and their family, a real family is more interesting than a made up one.

Romance or Bromance?

Bromances give me the warm fuzzies.

All five guys, one or some?

All of them :))

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?

I will read any of them

Female centered or BSB centered?

BSB Centered

1st person or 3rd person?

I like both. But I have read some REALLY good first person stories.

More description or More dialogue?

A good helping of both

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)

I prefer no list so I can use my imagination.

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?

Blood and guts covering the fluffy animals :D

Slash or Het?

I prefer Het.

AU or Sci Fi?

I enjoy both.

Suspense or Drama?

Suspense but I will read drama too.

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

I tend to read more victim stories but it would be nice if people write some where Nick was a hero too lol

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?

I am really odd. I like the dramatics of illness ans death.

Emo or over the top happy?

I love good angsty emoness.

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother?

I love brother/father figure Kevin. Warm fuzzies :)

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ?

Both are good

Brian or "Husband"

Brian!!! The husband thing is annoying.

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie?

Evil Howie FTW!!!

Cliffhangers or not?


Open endings or resolutions?

Unless it is a series, I prefer the story to be resolved rather than me going WTF at the end.

Banner or no banner?

I like banners but most of my favoriges don't even need or have them. It's a toss up.

One shots or song fics?

One shots

Reader or writer?

I definitely read A LOT more than I write. To the point where I never find time to do either lol.


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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2013, 06:40:40 AM »

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?
Both, though I have a preference for stories told back in the day. Especially the ones dealing and set during Brian's heart problems. The angst potential of that period is infinite.

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?
Real wives and family. I can bear fictional if they are written very very well.

Romance or Bromance?
Bromance. Well, as a slash writer and reader, I think I have to add romance too. lol

All five guys, one or some?
All of them. They don't have to share the same amount of attention and shine but I love the stories dealing with their relationship.

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?
Long stories and series. The longer stories are, the more I love them.

Female centered or BSB centered?
BSB centered. If I wanted to read a story about a fictional/original character, I won't read BSB stories. Especially if the female character is a self insertion or a Mary Sue.

1st person or 3rd person?
3rd person. I prefer it because it gives the chance to describe the story not only from one POV so that the reader can have the whole situation in front of his eyes.

More description or More dialogue?
Both. There has to be a balance between them.

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)
No. A little bit of description as we meet them during the reading, yes. But a character list? not at all.

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?
Blood and guts with a little fluff. lol

Slash or Het?
Slash. LOL

AU or Sci Fi?
AU. And Sci Fi Au. XD

Suspense or Drama?

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?
Can I chose a third option? lol I'll go as a hero. lol

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?
A mix. Though sick stories are my weakness.

Emo or over the top happy?

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother?
Both. lol It depends on the story, he can be a jerk while being the big brother.

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ?

Brian or "Husband"
LOL Brian.

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie?
Evil Howie. It makes him more interesting.

Cliffhangers or not?

Open endings or resolutions?
Open ending if it's a series. Resolutions for all the other stories.

Banner or no banner?
Sigh. Banner.

One shots or song fics?

Reader or writer?
I would be more a reader if there are more Brian centered story. So, now, I'm more writer.


  • General Pandemonium
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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2013, 08:14:22 AM »

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?
Present day!

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?
If it's a more documentary-style fic that focuses on the boys, then the real family. Romance, fictional wives and family.

Romance or Bromance?
I honestly enjoy both!

All five guys, one or some?
Partial to stories centered around Nick but I do enjoy ones that revolve around all 4/5

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?
Shorter stories

Female centered or BSB centered?
BSB centered

1st person or 3rd person?
3rd person

More description or More dialogue?
Probably a good mix of both, but I'll say more dialogue because that's less irritating than an overkill of description.

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)
No character lists!

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?
Blood and guts.. but of the emotionally tragic variety lol

Slash or Het?
Het in BSB fandom, Slash in 1D

AU or Sci Fi?

Suspense or Drama?

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?
Sick and dying!

Emo or over the top happy?
So very emo

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother?
Kevin the big brother

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ?
Post rehab AJ

Brian or "Husband"
LOL Brian

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie?
Evil Howie

Cliffhangers or not?

Open endings or resolutions?
Open endings

Banner or no banner?
I don't have a huge preference either way

One shots or song fics?

Reader or writer?
I used to be more of a reader, but now I find I'm much more of a writer to the point where if I'm in a writing slupmp I'll be in a reading slump too
~Saka ♥

"Write a lot. Write something you’re scared to write. That’s the best advice I can give: If you have an idea, and you can’t stop thinking about it, but something about it scares you half to death—WRITE THAT."
- Rainbow Rowell

Purpura Lipstick

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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2013, 09:33:37 AM »

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?
Depends on the storyline but more present day stories.

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?
Again, depends on the storyline.  I prefer romance with fictional girls though.

Romance or Bromance?

All five guys, one or some?

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?
shorter stories though I won’t disregard series or longer stories if I get in on them at the beginning.

Female centered or BSB centered?

1st person or 3rd person?

More description or More dialogue?
Mix of both but if there is going to be more of something, dialogue please.

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)
Has anyone said yes to this? NO NO NO

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?

Slash or Het?

AU or Sci Fi?

Suspense or Drama?

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?
Happy and healthy

Emo or over the top happy?
uhhh Emo?

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother?
Kevin the big brother

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ?

Brian or "Husband"
Brian LOL

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie?

Cliffhangers or not?

Open endings or resolutions?
Either, depends on the story…

Banner or no banner?

One shots or song fics?
One shots

Reader or writer?
More reader than writer nowadays but want to be a writer again but my muse hates me.
- Purpura -


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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #7 on: May 28, 2013, 12:30:47 PM »

Stories told in present day, or back in the day? present day

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family? fictional family

Romance or Bromance?  bromance

All five guys, one or some? one guy

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories? long stories

Female centered or BSB centered? BSB cemtered

1st person or 3rd person? 1st person

More description or More dialogue? more dialogue

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)
character list
Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?

Slash or Het?

AU or Sci Fi?

Suspense or Drama? drama

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero? Nick as a hero

Happy and healthy or sick and dying? sick and dying

Emo or over the top happy?

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother? Kevin the big brother

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ? post rehab AJ

Brian or "Husband" Brian

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie? normal howie

Cliffhangers or not?

Open endings or resolutions? resolutions

Banner or no banner? not

One shots or song fics? one shots

Reader or writer? reader



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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #8 on: May 28, 2013, 07:38:50 PM »

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?

Back in the day

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?

Real ones there in 'spirit' only.

Romance or Bromance?


All five guys, one or some?

All five

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?

Long or short, just not overly wordy

Female centered or BSB centered?


1st person or 3rd person?

1st person

More description or More dialogue?

I enjoy Dialogue

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)


Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?

Fluffy kittens and psycho bunnies

Slash or Het?


AU or Sci Fi?

Sci Fi

Suspense or Drama?

Suspenseful Drama

Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

Nick as a victim

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?

Sick but gets better lol

Emo or over the top happy?


Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother?

Kevin the big brother

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ?

Post rehab

Brian or "Husband"

Brian without his permanent stain

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie?

I enjoy my winky D

Cliffhangers or not?

Cliff... to be continued

Open endings or resolutions?

open endings

Banner or no banner?


One shots or song fics?

One shot

Reader or writer?


Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #9 on: May 28, 2013, 08:50:36 PM »

Thank you guys for not making me feel weird about wanting to choose sick and dying LOL.  That just sounds so wrong to admit!  Glad I'm not the only one!

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #10 on: May 28, 2013, 09:01:27 PM »

I don't think stories like yours or Jenna and Swenglish's would be so popular if people didn't enjoy that kind of thing lol
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2013, 09:21:25 PM »

LOL This is true!

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: This Or That!
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2013, 08:39:13 PM »

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?

Present day

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?

Fictional - over the years I've become slightly weirded out by the use of real people that aren't celebs in fic. The last thing LA needs for her ego is to know people write fanfic about her.

Romance or Bromance?


All five guys, one or some?

If it's one, it's typically Nick. If it's some, it's the quartet.

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?

My attention span is limited so unless something really pulls me in, I'm typically done after one story, which I prefer to be on the shorter side (again, depending on how much I dig it)

Female centered or BSB centered?

BSB centered

1st person or 3rd person?

Depends on who is writing!

More description or More dialogue?

If it's too heavy with description I will skim, so I'd have to say more dialogue

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)

... no. I never understood that. Reading is about using your imagination. Your "character list" should be part of your character development within the story.

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?

Bloody kittens and bunny guts.

Slash or Het?

If I have to choose - het.

AU or Sci Fi?

AU, for sure

Suspense or Drama?


Nick as a victim or Nick as a hero?

Nick becoming the unlikely hero after being viciously victimized.

Happy and healthy or sick and dying?

Depends on who is writing it lol Some people just can't pull off sick and dying.

Emo or over the top happy?

There has to be a middle ground between those, so I'll choose that option. :P

Kevin the jerk or Kevin the big brother?

No Kevin at all!

Pre rehab AJ or post rehab AJ?

Doesn't really matter, they're both AJ

Brian or "Husband"

Brian? Idgi.

Stereotypical Howie or Evil Howie?

Evil Howie all the way. Howie is my favourite villain.

Cliffhangers or not?


Open endings or resolutions?

I prefer when things get resolved. When they don't, I assume the author is planning a sequel that I will never read.

Banner or no banner?

Don't really care either way, but I do have an appreciation for those people who have design skills that I otherwise lack.

One shots or song fics?

One shots!! Ugh. I can't tell you how much I hate song fics. What a dumb concept.

Reader or writer?

In an ideal world I would say writer, but as I haven't written anything in a long time I would have to say reader, except I haven't read anything in a long time so I guess I'm just.... here for a good time.
~Maple Jellybean~

What's the difference between ignorance and apathy? ... I don't know, and I don't care.