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Author Topic: Question of the day part 8  (Read 54215 times)


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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #60 on: December 04, 2012, 05:47:40 PM »

Yeah but 00Carter's not ending any time soon lol. That's why I, at least didn't answer with that one.
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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #61 on: December 04, 2012, 06:20:13 PM »

Has anyone ever come back to an unfinished story after a long time and ended up finishing it?  What's the longest hiatus you've taken (from a single story or from writing fanfic in general)?

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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #62 on: December 05, 2012, 02:39:23 PM »

I'd say this is the longest writing break I've had since I started writing.  The last update I did was back in August I think :(


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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #63 on: December 05, 2012, 03:06:39 PM »

August 15th was the last time I posted anything.
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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #64 on: December 05, 2012, 03:53:33 PM »

I wonder why we're all in a writing slump?  I wish I knew, but I just can't seem to even open my word doc :(


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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #65 on: December 05, 2012, 08:22:21 PM »

I have been writing here and there. Just on one story, haven't written anything new since I finished Finding Carter a few months ago. But I dont seem motivated to crank out daily updates like i did for that story.


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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #66 on: December 05, 2012, 10:33:13 PM »

It's sad that everyone's been in a slump!  I can't even remember the last time I read an update on someone's story because it seems like it's been forever since I got an email alert for any of the ones I've been following.

I don't feel like I'm in a slump anymore, per se, because I have been writing, but I've been writing odd parts here and there for various collaborations, instead of working consistently on one story of my own.  I don't have any burning desire to work on either of my two in-progress stories, and I won't let myself post any new stories until at least one of those is done (ha, we'll see!), but that's not a problem because I'm not dying to start something new either.  If it weren't for Undead and 00Carter, I probably wouldn't be writing anything at all right now... although if it were still summer, I would probably make myself.

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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #67 on: December 06, 2012, 03:12:05 AM »

I am constantly writing with my head, I just cant find time to actually sit and type those words. If only I could type on my phone, maybe the Other Side of NC is already finished. I just updated The other Side of NC after 4 months, so am I already out of the writing slump?, and I hope I could post the next chapter this month.
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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #68 on: December 06, 2012, 01:23:16 PM »

Has anyone ever come back to an unfinished story after a long time and ended up finishing it?  What's the longest hiatus you've taken (from a single story or from writing fanfic in general)?

I took a two+ year hiatus from Hawk and a Handsaw then came back and finished it. Though everyone says you can tell where I picked it back up.

I've so far been a year and a half since my last update on History Repeating but I do plan on finishing it!
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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #69 on: December 06, 2012, 05:57:15 PM »

I think the longest hiatus I've taken on a story that did end up getting finished was almost two years for Secrets of the Heart.

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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #70 on: December 09, 2012, 07:07:59 AM »

Here are some more questions to make up for the lack of ones lately.

Have you ever written a story by request?

Do people ever ask you to include their names in your stories? If so, do you listen to them?

Have you ever made yourself the main female character in your stories?

Which character that you've written has come closest to you personality wise?

Which story of yours do you think would translate best as an OF or can be turned into a fic for a different fandom?

When writing a story, which boys do you tend to pair up as the main characters?

DO you find it boring or entertaining to write or read about only one boy as compared to the group?

Is there a story you wish you had written instead of someone else? Which one and why?

« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 07:09:58 AM by mare »
Writing is something you do alone. Its a profession for introverts who want to tell you a story but don't want to make eye contact while doing it. ~ John Green


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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #71 on: December 09, 2012, 11:24:06 AM »

Ooh, lots of questions!

Have you ever written a story by request?
I did once, back in 2001, and will never do so again.  A reader sent me an idea for an AU story, and although I had never written an AU and was inclined to say no, there was something interesting about the idea, so I gave it a shot.  It never really felt like "my" idea, though, and after the initial honeymoon period you have with any new story, I started to hate writing it.  I did tack an ending on it, but I finished it early and said I was saving the rest of the story for a sequel... which I have never written and never will LOL.

Do people ever ask you to include their names in your stories? If so, do you listen to them?
If anyone's asked me to include their name in my story, it's been a long time - I don't remember.  I don't put people in stories by request.  I have named minor characters after readers who give me feedback, but that was always my decision.

Have you ever made yourself the main female character in your stories?
By name, only once.  It was one of my early stories that I wrote in 2000.  I was 15 at the time, so it was more of a fantasy adult version of myself than the real me anyway LOL.

Which character that you've written has come closest to you personality wise?
Gretchen in Song for the Undead and Becci in Secrets of the Heart come close to me in a lot of ways, but Cary in Curtain Call is also pretty similar to me in terms of personality.

Which story of yours do you think would translate best as an OF or can be turned into a fic for a different fandom?
I think Broken would translate well into an OF.  I would have to completely rewrite it, but I have a plan for how to do that.  Secrets of the Heart is so AU that it could easily be OF too.  Same with Song for the Undead.  That one would probably also work for a different fandom if we reworked some of the characters' back stories to be less BSB-inspired.

When writing a story, which boys do you tend to pair up as the main characters?
I actually don't write many stories with a pair of boys as the main characters.  I tend to either have one main character or feature the whole group equally.  But I write most about Nick, Brian, and AJ.

Do you find it boring or entertaining to write or read about only one boy as compared to the group?
It totally depends on what the story is about.  I love group stories, but I also enjoy stories with just one boy in the starring role.  I could be bored or entertained by either, depending on what happens to said boy(s) in the story.

Is there a story you wish you had written instead of someone else? Which one and why?
I often think, "I wish I could write a story like that," but I don't think there's any story that I wish I had written instead of the author who did write it, because 1) It wouldn't be the same story if I wrote it, and 2) It probably wouldn't be as good.  Even if I could have written someone else's story and had it turn out just as it was supposed to, I wouldn't wish for that because that would mean missing out on the experience of reading it.  I would only wish that for a story with a great premise that was poorly-executed if I thought I could write it better, but I wouldn't name any such story even if I could think of one LOL.
« Last Edit: December 09, 2012, 11:30:05 AM by RokofAges75 »

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #72 on: December 09, 2012, 01:11:46 PM »

Have you ever written a story by request?

I did once, someone asked me to write a story with her in it with a member of Take That.  It was short and crap, lol.

Do people ever ask you to include their names in your stories? If so, do you listen to them?

Not since I've been on AC, but back on the old Take That site some of the members would ask to be in my stories.  I wrote them into the stories and didn't mind doing so, but one person who I wasn't too bothered about, I made her character a gold digging whore and was laughing so much at her reaction :) That sounds so evil of me.

Have you ever made yourself the main female character in your stories?

Yes, in a few I'm embarrassed to say.  But I didn't know any different at the time as we all did it.

Which character that you've written has come closest to you personality wise?

The only one who is anything like me is the main female character in a Take That story called Patience, who also happens to be called Steph  :D

Which story of yours do you think would translate best as an OF or can be turned into a fic for a different fandom?

Maybe Rewind would work OK as an original fic, not that I'd ever try and do it. 

When writing a story, which boys do you tend to pair up as the main characters?

Usually Nick and AJ.

Do you find it boring or entertaining to write or read about only one boy as compared to the group?

I like reading/writing both.  It depends on the story.

Is there a story you wish you had written instead of someone else? Which one and why?

Not really because I know I would never write it as well as the person who wrote it.  I do sometimes wish I was as imaginative as other writers though.


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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #73 on: December 09, 2012, 07:31:33 PM »

Catching up after a crazy long time. Also, hi everyone!

Regarding finding motivation, I think my answer would be the same:

Hmm I'd say people asking for updates usually gets me motivated, as well as encouragement from readers.



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Re: Question of the day part 8
« Reply #74 on: December 09, 2012, 07:51:55 PM »

Also, I love Mare's new Qs.

Have you ever written a story by request?
I have, about 12 years ago, when I was asked to write something with the 60s Beatles crossing over with the 1999 BSB. It was a mess, only because I didn't know nearly enough about the Beatles to make the story remotely fangirl-y (is tht a word?) but loved the idea of it.

Do people ever ask you to include their names in your stories? If so, do you listen to them?
I did! I was co-writing this Nick story called "Secrets" (under a pen name) in 2001 with my friend Kat, and she asked if she could name her character after herself. I thought it was fabulous. Her character turned out to be her in so many ways :)

Have you ever made yourself the main female character in your stories?
No, because I'm way more of a fangirl than I would ever allow my characters to be :)

Which character that you've written has come closest to you personality wise?
Definitely Tasha in my current story, "Someone Like You". Also it doesn't hurt that I'm living my rockstar dreams through her.

When writing a story, which boys do you tend to pair up as the main characters?
I've always been partial to Nick and Howie. I think their real life friendship and their personalities together are pretty amusing :)

DO you find it boring or entertaining to write or read about only one boy as compared to the group?
I always find it challenging to write about too many characters in one story, so it's better for me to write about one of the guys at one time. However, I love reading the stories here on AC that pull off the group dynamic in dialogue so well (and there are so many!)

Is there a story you wish you had written instead of someone else? Which one and why?
Yes! Ellebeth's The Boys on the Bus just made me wish I had her way with words! As well as all of Brian's attention ;)
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