I used to be very much a fan fic snob (I'll admit it lol) And to a certain extent I still am. I'm VERY nit picky, so the littlest, dumbest thing can make me put a fic aside and not finish it. But as of lately I've learned that just by speaking with the author and seeing where they are coming from, you can appreciate their work a lot more. Granted, it might not be my cup of tea or how I would write it, but is that such a bad thing? Variety is the spice of life right?
For instance let's take Pandora's Box, Dee. Honestly if I didn't know you and picked up PBox I would be like uhmm wtf? I've mentioned more than once that fantasy is not exactly my favorite genre, so I ask a lot of dumb questions, but I've learned to appreciate it. Can I say that I'm a fan of fantasy now? Not really and I'm not running out to write my own fantasy story, but I respect it now. I see how much effort it takes.
Point is that I feel like you can learn from other writers. Maybe you're superior to them in one area, but usually there's another area that you wish you could be as amazing as them in. That's why I really enjoy talking to other writers on ims and beng idea buddies. You're pulling together to hep make each other the best writers possible. Its like you scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.
What I can't stand though is when someone comes to you with a plot thats hit the wall and asks what should happen next? They themselves have no clue where the story is going. I can only help if you at least have SOME ideas. Otherwise well I may as well just call your story my own.