Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Let the 2013 Summer Reading Challenge begin!

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1) What are your three favorite fanfics of all time and why?

1) "Mind Games" by Amanda.
It is the very first story that I've come across when I started to know the BSB fanfic world. Love this for the plot, the suspence in every chapter and for the originality.
2) "Something Beautiful" by Pengi.
No matter how many times I read it, I still end up crying. One of my favorite FricknFrack story.
3) "Somehow, Someway" by Stacey.
I'm not much into het but this story captured my attention because it's drama and has Brian in a light that very few people had ever thought.

2) What genres do you most enjoy reading?
Angst. Drama. Fluff. Hurt/comfort.

3) What genres do you typically shy away from and why?
Romance. Especially het, especially those story where there is a fan that met one of the guys and fall in love. Stories where all the attention is on the girl and not the group.

4) Which boy do you enjoy reading as the lead?
Brian. Or Brian and Nick.

5) What do you think is the biggest cliche in fanfics?
Fan meet BSB and they immediately fall in love and treat her like she is the star.

6) What would make you stop reading a story?
Bad grammar. Bad plot.

7) What is your biggest fanfic pet peeve?
Angst, the more the better. Especially, stories that have like a criminal plotline (kidnapping...)

8) Would you consider yourself a picky reader?
Yes.  :D

9) What draws you to a story?
The summary. The writing style. If it's written by an author that I already know and love.

10) Do you typically give feedback when you read?
I try but usually I tend to stay in the shadows because I can't find the best way to translate it. lol

Which do you prefer:

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?
Both, though I would die for stories that deal with Brian's operation.

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?
Real wives/family.

Romance or Bromance?

All five guys, one or some?
All the guys.

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?
Long stories and series.

Female centered or BSB centered?
BSB centered.

1st person or 3rd person?
3rd person.

More description or More dialogue?
A balance bewteen the two.

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)
Not. A little bit is okay but I don't have to know everything.

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?
Blood and guts!

Slash or Het?

Reader's Survey

1) What are your three favorite fanfics of all time and why?
Ground Zero by Chaos because I love the way he wrote it, the suspense was amazing and I couldn't stop reading once I'd started.  I think it may be the first fanfic I cried reading!

Song For The Undead by Julie & Rose because even though it's not finished yet, I've been reading since they started posting it and it's right up my street.  I love zombies and gore but the story is just so good, it's not all horror, it has a bit of everything I like.

It Stays With You by Mare because again, it's a great story featuring all the boys.  I loved the suspense and was biting my nails with anticipation and nerves as I was reading parts. 

2) What genres do you most enjoy reading?
Anything really, if it's a good story and grabs my attention then I'll stick with it.

3) What genres do you typically shy away from and why?

I don't read slash romance stuff

4) Which boy do you enjoy reading as the lead?
Nick mostly, but I've read the others in the lead too.

5) What do you think is the biggest cliche in fanfics?
Boy spots girl in the crowd at a show and falls for her instantly.

6) What would make you stop reading a story?
Bad layout (clumped together), terrible spelling, writer doesn't respond to reviews or only to certain people.  They are the main reasons.

7) What is your biggest fanfic pet peeve?
Seeing a promising looking summary, only to click on the story and there are no paragraphs, just a clump of words.

8) Would you consider yourself a picky reader?
Wasn't when I first discovered fanfic, but I am now.

9) What draws you to a story?
If the summary looks good I'll click to read.

10) Do you typically give feedback when you read?

Which do you prefer:

Stories told in present day, or back in the day?
Don't mind, depends on the story.

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?
I prefer fictional or none at all, but wouldn't stop reading a good story if the real ones were in it.

Romance or Bromance?
Don't mind, depends on the story

All five guys, one or some?
Don't mind

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?
If I'm enjoying the story then I don't mind.

Female centered or BSB centered?
I don't mind, I've enjoyed both

1st person or 3rd person?
Don't mind

More description or More dialogue?
I like a good balance

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)
No lists

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?

I prefer blood and guts but sometimes feel like reading fluffy stuff.

Slash or Het?
Het I suppose as I don't like slash

Reader's Survey

1) What are your three favorite fanfics of all time and why?
With the Band by evergreenwrite r83, and the stories associated with it.  I just love her writing style and how the characters are portrayed.  There's so much variety with a lot of subplots, twists and turns, drama, comedy, suspense, romance. There's a little bit of everything.  I pretty much love everything she writes.  

Secrets of the Heart by RokOfAges75.  This is such an original plot, and I love that while it's AU, the AJ and Brian characters are very much portrayed the way I imagine they could have possibly lived had they not become Backstreet Boys.  Also love the twist at the end.  I'd hate it if something like that actually happened, but for a piece of fiction, awesome!

Where Can We Go From Here by Whitney.  This is one of the first fanfics I can remember coming across back in the day that grabbed me from the beginning and kept my interest until the end.  It is such a classic piece of BSB fanfiction that I just had to include it.

There are so many others I love, and handful of writers here on AC that I so admire for their work.

2) What genres do you most enjoy reading?
I'm going to make up my own genre here and call it "Romantic Dramedy."  Give me a story with a mix of drama/suspense, comedy, and romance, and I'm a happy camper.

3) What genres do you typically shy away from and why?
Sci-fi and AU- I just never was able to get into the sci-fi stuff, and AU stories in which the guys don't seem like themselves really bug me.  That being said, some of my favorites are AU stories.  There only seems to be a handful of writers that can write an AU and keep the Boys true to character.  Isn't that what makes it a BSB fanfic?  Otherwise, it's just a piece of fiction with characters who happen to be names Nick, Howie, AJ, Kevin, or Brian.

4) Which boy do you enjoy reading as the lead?
Nick, Kevin, and like Nick/Brian stories

5) What do you think is the biggest cliche in fanfics?
Give one of the boys a terrible disease or injury.

6) What would make you stop reading a story?
Bad grammar/punctuation and poorly developed characters.

7) What is your biggest fanfic pet peeve?
See #3. AU fics that don't seem to accurately portray the Boys personality-wise

8) Would you consider yourself a picky reader?

9) What draws you to a story?
Intriguing summary, it's by an author I know and love, or honestly, a professional looking banner.

10) Do you typically give feedback when you read?
Not often, actually.  I'm way too lazy when it comes to that.  I should really work on leaving feedback, because I know how much it motivates me personally as a writer.

Which do you prefer:

Stories told in present day, or back in the day? I actually love those "in-between" stories that attempt to fill in the gaps between albums/tours.  For example, Mare's "Why I'd Do it All Again" about making the Never Gone album.

Stories featuring real wives/family or fictional wives/family?  I like to see a little of both.  Real families mixed with fictional characters

Romance or Bromance?
I think every romance should also have a little bromance.  It's the BSB we're writing about here!

All five guys, one or some?
I like to see all five at least make an appearance.

Long stories, Series, or shorter stories?
I like series if the original is one I loved.  It's fun to see the characters grow and develop over a long period of time.

Female centered or BSB centered?
I like a strong female lead that is somehow involved with the guys, but at least one of the BSB needs to be a main character as well.

1st person or 3rd person?
I like to read 1st person, but find it easier to write in 3rd.

More description or More dialogue?
Dialogue, but there needs to be a good balance.

Character list or not (Meaning a visual diagram of what all the characters look like before you start to read)
Depends on the number of characters.  If there are a lot, you need that or you just get lost trying to remember who's who.

Blood and guts or fluffy kittens and bunnies?
Blood and guts leads to fluffy kittens and bunnies. I'm a sucker for Happily Ever After.

Slash or Het?

Just jumping in to say I'm really finding these reader surveys interesting.  I know we've all talked about our fanfic likes and dislikes across the board, but I really like the "this or that?" questions and how everyone's answers are different.  A this or that survey for everyone to fill out, in another thread outside of the challenge, would be fun to see.  (We've probably had one at one point or another, but if so, it's been awhile!)

Also, thanks, Emily, for mentioning Secrets, and Steph, for Undead!

I should just copy and paste this one in the general thread for everyone to fill out for fun lol

Maybe I will come up with one tomorrow.


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