Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Fairy Tale Challenge

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I have no idea lol

If we all picked the same one or we picked different ones, the only one I could see myself doing is Hansel and Gretel but I'm also not sure I would do it, so it really depends on everyone else. I do think we should Backstreet-ize them though. Throwing them in as the main characters would be a lot more fun to read and write I think.

Yeah, I agree about Backstreet-izing them, especially if we're all going to choose different ones... which I'm fine with.  I'm thinking of doing Sleeping Beauty.

I love Hansel and Gretel; that was always one of my favorite fairy tales.  Please include some cannibalism!

I think we should make a list of the most well known ones and have people choose from that.


Snow White
Hansel and Gretel
Little Red Riding Hood
Sleeping Beauty
Peter Pan

I know I'm forgetting some but I haven't been to bed yet!

I'd say if we're choosing our own, let's let people choose whatever they want.  If it's one of the more obscure ones that everyone might not know, they could post a link to the original - I think most of them can be found online.

Are we going to allow duplicates, like more than one person tackling the same fairy take, or limit it to one person per tale?

Okay, you make a good point about just linking to the obscure ones.

I feel like we should allow duplicates. One of the coolest things about the Bus Crash challenge was seeing how it was one idea but everyone went somewhere different with it. We really do need another "Same Plot, Different Author" challenge.


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