Let the games begin!
Below is a list of the challenge entries, as well as a list of authors who said they participated. Your job is to match the authors to the stories they wrote. Notice that there are 12 stories and only 10 participants. This means that either some authors wrote more than one story, or someone wrote one and didn't come forward, so you are allowed to guess an author more than once, and you are also allowed to make "wild card" guesses - that is, guess authors who are not on the list.
Please PM me your guesses instead of posting them here - that way, no one will be influenced by others' guesses, and you can guess your own story without giving it away to everyone. You have one week to submit your guesses. Next Sunday, September 22, I will post everyone's guesses here, and that's when you can reveal which story you wrote so we can see who guessed correctly.
Challenge Entries:
1. Shorty and the Deceased
2. Unintended
3. Judy and the Beast
4. Prisoner
5. Beauty and the Backstreet Boy
6. Brian and the Beast
7. My What a Guy
8. Nick and Belle....
9. Beauty & The Extra-Terrestrial Beast
10. Code Name: Beauty
11. The Beast's Beauty
12. Blondie and the Beast
A. Alexsgirl_ritz
B. Carterkid
C. Carter-Orange
D. DelphinaCarter
E. Julilly
F. Mamogirl (Usako)
G. Mare
H. Purpura Lipstick
I. RokofAges75
J. Rose