Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Fairy Tale Challenge

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I like this! I could use a challenge to kick me in the butt. I say we do something like the Bus Crash challenge forever ago. Where we take maybe only a small list of fairy tales (or even just one) and put our own personal and backstreetized spin on them.

I'd probably try to Backstreet-ize Little Red Riding Hood.  I'd keep Little Red, of course, but make her a mature young woman asked by her parents - one of whom would be one of the guys, perhaps - to visit her grandmother. On the way, she meets the "wolf", perhaps another of the guys, who is either a werewolf or as one of Webster's definitions "a man forward, direct, and zealous in amatory attentions to women" or he's just called "Wolf". Wolf travels with Little Red for a while, or just misdirects her or something while he heads to grandma's. I'll probably have her meet up with at least one other of the guys on the way, maybe one tries to persuade her not to take the trail she eventually chooses - thus meeting up with the wolf - and maybe she meets the woodcutter, or whatever he really is, before she gets to grandma's, and he shows up again and rescues her from the wolf at grandma's.

Or maybe I'll modernize/sci-fi Little Red. Can you see Little Red as a bounty hunter? LOL :P

Ooh I am down for this. Need to get my muse in gear.

Besides The Three Little Pigs, the only other one I could see me doing is Hansel and Gretel. lol

So are we thinking each of us pick our own fairy tale and Backstreet-ize it?


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