Fic Talk > Updates
Emily's Updates
Here's my little update thread. My timing is just impeccable, as "Run" happened to be the most recently updated story both when the site went down a couple days ago, and when reviews were disabled this morning. Mare had just left a really great review before the reviews disappeared, and I never had the chance to respond. I've been at work all day, so I hadn't tried to respond, but oddly enough, I was able to link to that review through my e-mail and respond to it. So, for the time being, I'd love to see any other comments about chapters 8 and 9 that were posted during all this craziness, or anything you'd like to say about any of the rest of the story or anything else I've written! Cheers!
Glad you got it and I just tried to send you another review just to see if you get it! LOL How weird, you're like magic or something! Which I guess makes sense since you broke the site in the first place. >:(
Anyway, I'm glad you finally decided to make an update thread! Woot!
Yep. Got it! What is this sorcery???
I wonder if we found a way around the disabled reviews? do you have an old email with a response from a review I left you?
Although the reason they were disabled for a reason so we should probably stop lol but still! That's kind of funny.
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