Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

FS for September: Run by emily_ michele

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That's good to know, because that's actually what I'm trying to do! (Make it more about the Boys this time around).  I like that you're liking making her a suspect. LOL. But I've worried that the new readers think she's a little weird-- which she's not- not really.  Does that make sense?

I'm not picking up 'weird' at all from her. She hasn't done anything weird or quirky, to me anyway lol but that's also coming from someone who is kind of quirky so...

Here are the featured forum member questions for you!

1. Real name:
2. How long have you been on AC?
3. How long have you been writing fanfics?
4. Give us a list of stories you have written.
5. List some of your all time favorite stories you have read.
6. Do you have your own site?
7. What are your favorite types of stories to read?
8. Who is your favorite BSB?
9. Do you find yourself writing about him more than the others?
10. What do you want to do with the rest of your life?
11. Where are you from?
12. What kinds of hobbies do you enjoy?
13. What's your favorite movie?
14. What's your favorite book?
15. Any hidden talents?


--- Quote from: mare on September 04, 2013, 07:11:06 PM ---Here are the featured forum member questions for you!

1. Real name:
Emily Michele- I'm very creative, see?
2. How long have you been on AC?
About two years
3. How long have you been writing fanfics?
I wrote just to share with my closest friends (who also wrote at the time)- from about age 13-15 or 16.  Then, didn't start back up again until a couple years ago. I did write one Grey's Anatomy fic on around 2007 or so.
4. Give us a list of stories you have written.
-Forever (which is sort-of a culmination of all those stories from my teen years), Mr. Brightside (unfinished), Falling in Love Again, Sisterhood of the Ugly Red Sweatpants (unfinished), Run (I'm sensing a theme here..... No new stories until Emily finishes some!)
5. List some of your all time favorite stories you have read.
-Where Can We Go From Here? was the classic I remember reading back in the day.
-The Broken Series by Julie (also loved Secrets of the Heart)
-The Coaster Series by evergreen Jen (Also loved Life's a Dance and  The Ghost of You and Me)
-The Protect and Serve Series by Mare (also really enjoyed Why I'd Do it All Again)

6. Do you have your own site?
No, but once upon a time, I had one called "Kisses for Kevin" on Angelfire.
7. What are your favorite types of stories to read?
I'm still a sucker for your "romantic dramedy," but I'm branching out and liking suspense as well.
8. Who is your favorite BSB?
9. Do you find yourself writing about him more than the others?
Not really- In the past year and half or so, I've written a lot about Nick
10. What do you want to do with the rest of your life?
Probably what I'm doing now- working part-time, mommy, wife (with possible switch to full-time when the little guy goes to kindergarten- or maybe I would volunteer at the school or something).  I did make a promise to a couple people (my dad and my AP English teacher in HS) that I would write one day- I'm not sure fanfic was what they had in mind, so who knows?  Maybe an OF novel someday.
11. Where are you from?
Elkhorn City, Kentucky- you've never heard of it- population 850, one traffic light, on the border of Kentucky/Virginia.  I spent some time living in Lexington and currently in Hazard, Ky (which you've also never heard of, but it's a little bigger than EC).
12. What kinds of hobbies do you enjoy?
Reading/writing. I spend some time helping our church youth group with drama team, choir, etc.
13. What's your favorite movie?
I'm not sure I can pick just one- but they range from Grease to Love Actually to Man on Fire, to choose a few different genres.
14. What's your favorite book?
That's a toughie- there are so many.  As far as classics go- Little Women. Rebecca by Daphne DuMaurier, then Dan Brown (namely the DaVinci Code and Angels and Demons). 
15. Any hidden talents?
I sing, though I used to be a lot better than I am now- I guess it's one of those "Use it or lose it" scenarios.  I also love to cook without recipes- just throw some stuff together and it usually turns out good. (usually)
--- End quote ---

I've posted a new chapter for this one!  It's a big!


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