Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

FS for September: Run by emily_ michele

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Honestly, I'm having a hard time with it!  I know the plot, and I think it's good, but I'm having a hard time with transitioning from point A to point B, if that makes sense?  I feel like maybe it's not "suspenseful" enough, yet?  Romance definitely seemed easier, and "Falling in Love Again" is kind of "my baby," so I'm worried this one isn't going to live up to that one.  Of course, it was a Nick romance, so I'm already expecting that the response to that one will be bigger than this one.  I'd like to try other genres, though, if nothing else than to just stretch my writing chops a little.  I'm still feeling a little rusty.

I just posted chapter 15.  I've been sitting on this particular chapter for a while, writing then re-working it.  Something about it just didn't feel quite "right."  It was an attempt at some more "bromance," which I was excited to write, then kept feeling like I was coming up short.  I think maybe I've finally gotten what I was attempting to do, so I'm interested in your feedback.  Switching gears a bit in chapter 16, coming up in a few days.

I'm sorry I've fallen behind. I've been leaving my house for school before 7 am and getting home at 9 at night. By the time I get here all I want to do is shut my brain off and watch TV. I'm going to read on Saturday morning, then I'll let you know my thoughts at least. lol

I finally caught up, yay! I think you did a great job with the bromance in the last chapter. I loved the tender Kevin and Nick moment and that he confided in Kevin because Brian had his head up Leighanne's Ass. Maybe one day he'll take that thing out of there! LOL in the meantime, I do have some more questions for you:

If you could do this all over again, would you have still chosen to make this a sequel or do you wish you had just created brand new characters to draw from?

In your head did you always know you were going to create Frank or did he just pop up while you were writing this?

Now that Frank has taken his revenge and it seems like he has achieved his goal, is this story going to still go suspense or are you now going to focus on the after affects of what happened?

You had him staying in Pennsylvania, is he coming to kill me next?  ??? LOL

Mare, you ask hard questions!  I'm going to do my best here... :)

If you could do this all over again, would you have still chosen to make this a sequel or do you wish you had just created brand new characters to draw from?

-For this particular story, I still think I'd write it as a sequel because there are aspects (both things you've read and things you haven't) that really incorporate a lot of the backstory from the last one.  The idea came to me as an Annie and Nick story, and if I'd made new characters, it wouldn't have been the story I was aiming to write.

In your head did you always know you were going to create Frank or did he just pop up while you were writing this?

-Honestly, Frank is a subplot.  Without giving too much away,  he's relevant, but he's not the whole story.  He's a character I came up with while trying to bridge some of gaps I was finding in my original plotline.

Now that Frank has taken his revenge and it seems like he has achieved his goal, is this story going to still go suspense or are you now going to focus on the after affects of what happened?

-We're still going suspense.  The story definitely isn't over.

You had him staying in Pennsylvania, is he coming to kill me next?  Huh? LOL ...
-Maybe I'll plead the fifth on that one? LOL


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