Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Whatever happened to....

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Purpura Lipstick:
I don't know any characters that people would want to see more from 5 years later. LOL ... but I love the idea for this challenge and will be thinking of what to do with this one.

So what story of mine would people be interested in seeing me do this with? Out of curiosity...?

I'm trying to get better about participating in these challenges.

yay! I'm glad to see you all discussing this.

I wasn't sure how people would feel about this challenge.

I would suggest you guys maybe opening polls in your update threads so people can vote and you can keep a more accurate count that way. Not saying you have to or not to use twitter lol just in addition too...just to clarify.

I love the idea of this challenge!  I'm not sure if I have any stories it would fit, but it's a great idea!


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