In the beginning, I tried to put threads where I think they would have gone in ye olden days instead of looking for the catch-all threads we have now. That's why I put my thread for Matches all the way in the sub-board "Backstreet Chatter" instead of the "All Things BSB thread."
TV Tropes is my favorite rabbit hole! I know all my favorite ones by name and a smattering of other ones. I also made up one with "they don't sell shoes in hell," but I feel like there has to be a trope for that, but I don't know what it's called. On my phone, I have four tabs of TV tropes open right now. One, I won't say what it is. The other three are: Memory Tropes, Japanese Pronouns/Useful Notes, and Amazing Technicolor Index (a list of all tropes that have to with colors). I'll spend hours on TV Tropes if no one stops me. I don't know what it is about tropes; I just love them. Whether I'm playing them straight, subverting them, averting them, lampshading them, etcetera. I would love it if I ever published something and it had its own TV Tropes page so that I could laugh about ones that I never intended, but readers thought were there; I would spend so much of my free time looking at it.
I enjoy Manic Pixie Dream Girls too. But my favorite way to spin female protagonists is "
Silk Hiding Steel"/"
Yamato Nadeshiko" ("
Southern Belle" is similar in concept for the US and "
English Rose" is similar in concept for the UK). So there's Minako in a nutshell, but she's young, so she falls more into the "plucky determination for my man and family" and "selflessness" aspects of them than the subtlety of iron an older woman would possess. I think everyone who said they didn't like her even though they thought she was a good character in my featured story thread way back when probably aren't huge fans of any of those tropes.
I've said many times that Nick is "
sugar and fire," even though he started off as more "
sour outside, sad inside." He's also a "
Determinator," of course. But, to be fair, I have an entire list of all the things Nick is in my google keep notes, including more fun ones like "
No Indoor Voice."
I love tropes.