Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

FS for October: Battle Born by Mammogirl

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Some questions to get to know you better!

How long have you been on AC?

How long have you been writing fanfics?

What are your three favorite stories you have ever written and why?

Do you think your list matches what your readers might say?

Name the very first fanfic you ever read that you remember thinking  "Wow this is a great read"

If you could compare yourself to another writer on this board, who would it be and why?

What are your favorite types of stories to read?

What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to fanfics?

Would you consider yourself more of a reader or a writer?

What is the one section on the forum you never visit?

What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

Where are you from?

When you're not surfing the net, what are you doing?

List your five favorite TV shows
List your five favorite books

What would your last meal be?

Any hidden talents?

Do you have any pets?

Besides AC, what site do you find yourself on most?

How long have you been on AC?

As a reader, I think from 2011. As writer, only this year.

How long have you been writing fanfics?

Practically, all of my life. In high school I wrote Sailor Moon's fanfiction. Then I started writing original novels but university kinda stopped me. I started writing again after going to the "This Is Us" concert here in Italy.

What are your three favorite stories you have ever written and why?

1) "Forces of Nature".
It's my very first long one (and still is yet unfinished. I'm only halfway with it and I'm already like 200 pages.) and my first slash. It has a little bit of everything that I love: Brian's angst, Brian and Nick's relationship, a crazy villain that I can't hate, suspence...

2) "Love Story".
My baby. It's my baby. It's my first AU and one of the few stories that I finished. I love my characters here, I love how they grow up and mature through all the chapters.

3) "Unbreakable".
It's another one that I'm proud of. It's not completely mine because I've written it with a friend that now doesn't write BSB slash anymore. And, oh my God, it's not a Brian and Nick's slash but it's an Aj and Brian's one. But, aside that, I love the villain here. Zach is one of the best characters I ever wrote.

Do you think your list matches what your readers might say?

I can only speak for the only trusted reader that still follows me years after years. And yes, she might agree with that list.

Name the very first fanfic you ever read that you remember thinking  "Wow this is a great read"

"Mind Games". I stayed up all night reading it and, at the end, I was like "wow. Wish I could write something like that".

If you could compare yourself to another writer on this board, who would it be and why?

I try not to compare myself because I always end feeling depressed because I'm not that good like the others. Especially with a language that I still have a lot to learn. So... I really don't know.

What are your favorite types of stories to read?

Everything that has Brian has the main character and has him tortured/hurt/sick/broken/almost to the point of dying or dying. lol Aside this, I read everything but het, it depends on the mood: lately I've been in the mood of a good hurt/comfort, a little angst with a good ending.

What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to fanfics?

Aside bad grammar, I think my biggest pet peeve are mostly related to the lack of psychological description of the characters; illness or deseases tretead as if they were only a plot to bring together the two main character, female characters that take up all the attention from the guys. I want to read stories about the guys not about some girl who is so special that everyone has to talk/hang out/defende/protect. Biggest pet peeve? When, between the girl and one of the guy, the rest of the Boys decide to take side of the girl. I'm always like "really?"

Would you consider yourself more of a reader or a writer?

Definetely a writer. I read in the break during writing and watching a tv show. LOL

What is the one section on the forum you never visit?

The old threads. LOL

What do you want to do with the rest of your life?

My dream is something between having a small bakery or working as a translator/interpreter.

Where are you from?

A very little, little, little town in the North of Italy, not that far from Milan.

When you're not surfing the net, what are you doing?

Reading books, cooking, being a nerd for all the tv shows that I watch, being Cinderella... lol Hanging out with my friends.

List your five favorite TV shows

1. Sherlock Holmes (BBC)
2. Person of Interest
3. Glee (I have a love/hate relationship with it, though)
4. Criminal Minds
5. Revenge
List your five favorite books

I can't chose only five books. All the Sherlock's novels, Sohie Kinsella's, Patricia Cornwell (though I'm a little disappointed by the last books), Dan Brown's, Philippa Gregory's

What would your last meal be?
I'm Italian. I can't live without pizza.

Any hidden talents?
Cooking. I bake cakes, biscuits/cookies. I've to learn to cook because I've started dieting last year and I've changed all my eating habits (and I've always had a bad relationship with food).

Do you have any pets?
Two cats. Charlie, who now is almost 11 years old and Belle, an abandoned cat that I've found in my garden and has became my little one.

Besides AC, what site do you find yourself on most?
BSB forum, (an archive of fanfiction), tumblr and twitter, various sites of Sherlock/Johnlock's fanfictions.

Have you ever written anything outside the BSB fandom?

You know what's weird? My cat Bella had been abandoned as well by my old apartment complex. She knocked on my screen door and came right in and hasn't left since. Must be the name. LOL


--- Quote from: mare on October 12, 2013, 05:28:56 PM ---Have you ever written anything outside the BSB fandom?

--- End quote ---

I actually started writing fanfiction in the Sailor Moon fandom, though I only wrote two short and started a long that was soon stopped because I stopped writing. Then, during my "hiatus" I did wrote some stupid and weird dialogue about football players... like I'm doing now when I found some cute or hilarious pictures of the guys. lol
I've written even a really short story about Glee and my second favorite character, Blaine.

--- Quote ---You know what's weird? My cat Bella had been abandoned as well by my old apartment complex. She knocked on my screen door and came right in and hasn't left since. Must be the name. LOL
--- End quote ---

Belle didn't come knocking, actually I've spent two weeks going in the garden of my house and bring her food because she was that afraid that she didn't allow anyone to come closer her. And after we finally managed to get her in the house, she didn't left my side for other two weeks straight: she even slept on my shoulder the first days because she was afraid I was going to leave her.

What is the craziest idea you've ever had for a fanfic?


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