Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

Romance with a twist....

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So, even though no one seems to participate in these things anymore, I thought I'd try once more. If no one writes anything than I'm putting this baby to bed. At least I am, of course anyone is welcome to come up with challenges of their own.

I purposely am picking a genre that most of you have written in before (comfortably) and it's close to February. So, why not?

Here is the challenge:

Create a romance but it needs to have a twist and this twist is a mixing of another genre of your choosing. It could be romance/suspense

romance/comedy, romance/fantasy, romance/slash etc...

~ There is no word limit but it shouldn't exceed 5 chapters in length
~ Doesn't have to be BSB it could be any fandom
~ I'll even let you make a stupid banner if you want.

Your novelette/short story should be completed by Valentine's Day!

Make sure you mention somewhere in your summary that it is for this challenge and then post the link in this thread!

Happy writing! :)

Ooh I think this might be just what I need. I miss doing challenges! I will definitely try one :)

Definitely want to give this one a go! I need to get back into writing instead of watching the TV.

SO making the stupidest banner ever.

Last night I had an idea for a romance so I might give this challenge a try. But I don't promise anything since every idea I had lately it turned out bleah when I tried to write it. lol


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