My master's class this fall is a writing class. It will focus mostly on teaching writing, but as part of it, we have to participate in a writer's workshop and actually do/share/submit some of our own writing. I don't know why, but that makes me so nervous! It's weird because writing is my hobby; I would happily write every day if I had the time, and I love sharing my writing with you guys online. But the thought of writing original fiction (or essays, poetry, whatever) and sharing it with people in real life just makes me squirm. I'm worried I either won't be able to come up with ideas for non-fanfic stuff or won't be comfortable sharing what I do come up with. I didn't take any real writing classes in college because I took AP classes in high school and tested out of the college requirements, and I definitely did not experience writer's workshop the way we teach it nowadays when I was in grade school, so this is new to me!
Have you ever taken a creative writing class or something similar? If so, what was it like?
Do you write original fiction or any other kind of writing (besides fanfic) for fun, and if so, do you share it with people in real life?