Fic Talk > Featured Story of the Month

FS for April: story #99 Broken by RokofAges75

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Back again after a long day to read the rest of these tributes, and seriously, you guys are so wonderful!  Thanks for all your kinds words!  I want to respond to all of you, but I think I'm going to do so in separate posts because you know how long-winded I can be LOL.

Mare, it is crazy how long we've been at this!  I think I've also known you the longest out of all my fanfic friends who are still involved in the fandom and whom I talk to regularly.  It's been well over a decade!  I barely have any close "real life" friendships that have lasted that long!  I also remember sneaking onto the computers I was supposed to be taking apart and cleaning at my summer job so I could read the Mizpah updates you would send me.  I am a much better employee than I was then LOL, which speaks to the fact that you really have watched me grow up.  I was 17 when we first "met," and I'm turning 30 this month!  Who would have ever guessed then that we'd still be involved with BSB fanfic now? LOL

I think it's very appropriate that Broken was chosen to be featured this month because, of the three options, it's really the most representative of my writing and still probably the story I'm best known for.  I also appreciate what you said about it showing a transformation in my writing.  I've always felt that I grew up while writing Broken, both as a writer and as a person, and you can see it just in the way the quality of writing changes from beginning to end.

Rose, thank you so much for the colorful tribute! LOL  You are SO creative, and writing with you and even just talking with you all these years has made me more creative, too!  You bring out my best - and my most twisted! LOL  You are right; I've always been a little weird, but finding a friend who gets that side of me and is just as twisted in her own right has been amazing.  For 15 years now, I've felt that the internet is the only place where I can 100% be myself, and that's because of people like you who don't judge me for liking the things I like.  When I was writing Broken (and even now), I would have died if anyone I knew in real life had found out about it, but the fact that you guys like and appreciate it is really awesome.  Thank you so much for everything you said and for almost a decade of friendship!

Carrie, I hope you will read this.  I couldn't help but laugh to myself as I read your message because I could copy and paste it right back as a message from me to you!  Everything you said is exactly how I've always felt about you and your writing.  I've been reading your stories since 2000, as long as I've been writing, and they have always been a huge inspiration to me.  I was absolutely obsessed with stories like Trapped, Nick and Lizz, and of course Swollen Issues, to the point of checking your site multiple times a day in hopes of updates.  I used to try to emulate your writing, and that is exactly how Broken was born - by me obsessing over Swollen Issues and wishing I could write something that struck that level of emotion in my readers.  They say imitation is the highest form of flattery, and it's true:  like Mare said, I've always looked up to you and admired you.  Every piece of feedback I've gotten from you has meant the world to me... even when it ended with "Kill Claire!"  :D

Steph, thank you so much!  Who knew I would ever seriously write a slash story? LOL  I was surprised as you, but I really appreciate you giving it a chance!  Even though my storylines can be overly dramatic and "out there," I still try to make them seem as believable as possible given the circumstances I've created, so it means a lot when people says they seem realistic.  Thanks again!


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