Fic Talk > I Challenge You....

The 2015 reading challenge...time to start thinking about it!

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Okie dokie!

Where should I send the forum? Do  I post it in here? 

Post it in the other thread where I have the form, just like last year.

I feel bad, but I am probably not going to participate again this year.  I am taking two classes this summer that will keep me busy, and I want to devote the free time I do have to trying to get back into actually writing.  Reading might help with that, but I would rather do that on my own terms than out of obligation, and I don't feel like I have anything to offer readers other than the same old stories I've submitted in other years.  If you have trouble finding enough people to make it fun, I might change my mind, but I would rather wait until I have more time and more finished stories to submit.  Thanks for everything you do to organize this, Mare!  I have enjoyed doing it every time I've committed to it.

It's okay, I know you're busy. Hopefully people will gradually start filling out their forms. As long as at least four people are doing it, I won't scrap it. I admit, I'm not sure if I'm participating this year yet.


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