Overall, my year has been busy, but not bad. Work has always been busy, but I feel like the added pressures of home ownership and my master's program have added so many more responsibiliti es to my plate that the time I used to dedicate to reading and writing fanfic is now spent doing housework, yardwork, and schoolwork (or, if I'm being totally honest, lying around watching TV and avoiding those things). I will be glad to be done with my master's by the end of next summer and hoping that having one less thing to worry about on the weekends will free me up to get back to writing more regularly.
The worst thing that's happened this year is that a lot of my friends have lost loved ones this fall - mainly co-workers, but a few online friends as well. For awhile there this fall, I was going to a visitation with the same group of work friends just about every other week. I think I've been to as many visitations this year as I had in my entire life up until this year. I guess that's what happens with age, but many of these people were too young to be dying!
The best thing was probably going to Orlando in October and finally (FINALLY!) visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! It was every bit as awesome as I hoped it would be, and I had a great time. We went to Disney (Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios) for a day, too, and that was also fun, especially since I hadn't been there since I was 12. That was a great vacation with a couple of my BSB girls in place of the cruise.