I'm just going to maintain my stance that Baylee has adopted his mother's political views and leave it at that!! LOL Anyone who agrees to play at the Trump inauguration will receive permanent side eye from me. As far as I'm concerned, you guys have every right to be embarrassed. You should have heard the stuff that was said up here when he won ... it wasn't pretty.
I'm sure you've heard this before, but Canada really is a lovely place to live!! If Trump turns out to be a complete nightmare and you can't handle the next four years, you can always move north. However, the market for teachers in Ontario is pretty abysmal, so a move may warrant a career change if you choose Toronto or the surrounding area.
Mare, I can sympathize with your lack of "BSB buddies". It's a bit strange; my BFF and I are both MASSIVE BSB fans, but we are the ONLY ones out of our larger circle who have ever liked them. Everyone used to rag on us for liking them in high school, but they've come to accept our obsession now. HAHA Actually, I think our mutual love for the guys is what solidified our friendship in elementary school. I'm not sure why we've never tried to branch out and meet other fans from online as the online fandom is pretty large. I guess we're just content to do all of our BSB stuff as a two-some. However, this is now posing a slight problem as neither one of us has anyone to go with if the other can't!! Vegas is a good example as it would have been slightly easier for me to swing the trip now that my daughter is two. My friend's son is only six months and she's still exclusively nursing, and it's impossible for her to leave him with anyone else.
To be honest, I was under the impression that a lot of you ladies that post on here had met each other in real life in order to attend cruises and concerts and stuff. From what I've seen, it appears to be pretty common for BSB fans to meet online and then eventually meet in real life. Is that not true? Maybe I'm just crazy!