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ABizzle's Book of Updates
ABizzle's Book of Updates
Hellooooooooo, everyone! ABizzle here, aka MoneyAbu on the actual Absolute Chaos fan fiction site! Man, it's been a long time since I've been around these parts (I'm talking years), but I'm back and this is where you'll be able to find information on any updates I make on any of my stories.
The following story(s) are ones I am currently actively working on:
* If Tomorrow Never Comes
* Prodigal Son
I've got a couple of other new story ideas swimming around in my head, so we'll see if those ever come to light, but If Tomorrow Never Comes is wayyyy over due for being finished.
And on a closing note, I appreciate any and all feedback I can get. ;)
As if I don't have a big enough challenge with trying to finish If Tomorrow Never Comes, the muse decided to come out of hibernation and I did what I said I wouldn't do until the aforementioned was completed...
I started a new story. *huffs*
Honestly, I have Chapter 25 of If Tomorrow Never Comes about 90% complete and then this little idea started tumbling around in my head and prevented me from finishing the chapter until I started typing the new material out. So alas, I listened to the muse and did exactly that. It's a bit of an experiment and we'll just have to see how it goes. Any and all feed back is appreciated, of course.
Prodigal Son
Chapter 25 of If Tomorrow Never Comes has been posted! Yay me! ;D
Chapter 1 for Prodigal Son has been posted!
Helloooooooooo oooo! Haven't had much of a chance to do any decent writing since posting an update to "Prodigal Son" back at the end of August, BUT! I've been on such a major Firefly kick lately (I'm talking Firefly marathons and watching the movie daily), that my muse took matters into its own hands and I started writing up a Firefly fic. Please tell me I'm not the only Firefly fan here. LOL. Although I am the first and only Firefly story on AC. So...kudos to me? ;D
Anyway, it's titled "When Heroes Fall" and the summary is as follows:
"Sometimes even heroes fall. Simon's faced with that reality when he realizes he should have listened to Jayne before stepping off of Serenity. [Post-BDM]"
The prologue and chapter 1 has been posted so far.
Reviews are love! All feedback is welcome! :)
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