Fic Talk > Brainstorms
BSB Werewolf Hunters
Anybody happen to know where BSB and families were staying during the residency? I've heard that Nick actually moved his whole family to Vegas, at least for the residency. I'd like to have this as realistic as I can.
Rose lives there, so she knows Vegas well and may have an idea. I'm not sure if she's been in this thread yet. I know Nick and Lauren do have a house there and seem to be living there full time.
--- Quote from: MaggieW on December 09, 2017, 09:22:30 PM ---Anybody happen to know where BSB and families were staying during the residency? I've heard that Nick actually moved his whole family to Vegas, at least for the residency. I'd like to have this as realistic as I can.
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Everyone but Nick rents houses out here. (AJ's mom Denise and her husband did move to Vegas, but not AJ) Nick actually bought a house and moved Lauren and Odin here. They live (this is half guessing, based on his videos cause the area looks very familiar to me) out by Summerlin which is say...20 mins away from the Strip. They live here full time, Nick got a Vegas driver's license this past year LOL. He said in a recent interview that he loves that there's no state tax here.
Also, I LOVE this werewolf hunting idea :).
--- Quote from: Rose on December 11, 2017, 04:31:34 PM ---Everyone but Nick rents houses out here. (AJ's mom Denise and her husband did move to Vegas, but not AJ) Nick actually bought a house and moved Lauren and Odin here. They live (this is half guessing, based on his videos cause the area looks very familiar to me) out by Summerlin which is say...20 mins away from the Strip. They live here full time, Nick got a Vegas driver's license this past year LOL. He said in a recent interview that he loves that there's no state tax here.
Also, I LOVE this werewolf hunting idea :).
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Thanks Rose!
I'm not totally sure where I want to go with it. I know a cure needs to be found somehow for the werewolves. I need a good place for the families to gather for protection on what will probably be the final night of the problem, because safety in numbers. I want to show some training the Hunters might actually go through - maybe have one of the other Boys join up, or just take the training to be prepared. I know I'll need to nail down a timeline; I don't know how much time I want this novel to cover. I want some big tension between some of the werewolves and the Hunters/Brian & Kevin. I read recently about a myth of people becoming werewolves simply by wearing belts or skins made from wolves, so maybe I could throw that in there as a Hunter necessity, but the one that wears it is so traumatized by the experience that he refuses to do it again.
Wow. I actually want to do this. What else could I do with this?
The more I think about this story, the more I think it's probably going to get intense. Yet, the more I watch YouTube videos of the Boys, they are total hams. Especially Brian. They take any opportunity they can to be funny. My trouble is, I can't write comedy. I just don't know how; it's not in me. Yet, I'm sure this story would need the occasional comic relief.
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