Fic Talk > Writer's Circle
I Write Like...
Rose shared this on Twitter, and I had fun playing with it too:
You paste some of your writing into the box, and it will analyze your writing style and word choice to see which famous writer you write like.
It says to post at least a few paragraphs, but I recommend posting a full chapter of a story because it seems to be more consistent that way. I tried it with several stories, and when I was just posting a few paragraphs, I got a different result almost every time - Stephen King, Margaret Atwood, Cory Doctorow, Stephen King again, and Agatha Christie. When I switched to posting full chapters, I got Agatha Christie every time, regardless of what kind of story I was posting. I think that's funny because she is best known for mysteries, and I'm terrible at writing mysteries, but hey, I'll take it!
Post your results here after you've tried it!
I tried it with a few of my stories. I mostly got Anne Rice, Agatha Christie and Arthur C Clarke. I did get Stephen King for a chapter of Save A Prayer though lol.
LOL Did you paste in the bot fly chapter? Still one of the most horrific things I've read in fanfic - and I loved it!!
Lol no it wasn't even the botfly chapter, I'll have to paste that one in and see who I get. It's definitely the most gory thing I've written and I loved writing that story.
For boy fly Jordan chapter I got Arthur C Clarke lol
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