Fic Talk > Writer's Circle
Character Name Suggestions
I thought I'd start a thread for anyone who, like me, spends way too much time deciding on character names. If you have a character name in mind, you can post with a brief description of the character, and people who like coming up with names can suggest some!
I literally spent like 4 hours on Sunday thinking about a name for a third-tier character in my Kevin story. Based on what I knew about her, I wanted her to have a feminine name that has a male-sounding nickname, such as "Sam" for Samantha. I brainstormed on my own, then did some Googling for lists of such names and made my own list of options. And in the end, what did I decide on? Sam/Samantha... which was my example all along LOL. Keep it simple, stupid.
Anyway, the next minor character I need to name is a douchey, frat boy-type college kid. Any suggestions? The first name that comes to my mind for this type is "Chad," but I'm looking to branch out LOL.
I am bad at character names myself. Funny story, Chad is the name of one of my characters in the Brian romance I was talking about posting. It's the name of a stereotypical college jock.
I love this thread!
--- Quote from: RokofAges75 on February 10, 2021, 09:21:48 PM ---Anyway, the next minor character I need to name is a douchey, frat boy-type college kid. Any suggestions? The first name that comes to my mind for this type is "Chad," but I'm looking to branch out LOL.
--- End quote ---
Douchey frat boys are my wheelhouse! May I suggest any of the following:
Adam, Allen, Andrew or Andy, Anthony, Baker, Ben, Blake, Brett, Casey, Chad (I know you said you wanted something different), Chris, Cody, Colin, Corbin, Dan, Darren, Dave or David, Drew, Dylan, Elliott, Eric, Ethan, Gabe, Garrett, Grant, Greg, Harry, Ian, Isaac, Jake, Jason, Jeff or Jeffrey, Jesse, Joe, John, Jordan, Josh, Justin, Kenny, Kirk, Kurt, Kyle, Lance, Lee, Luke, Marc or Mark, Matt, Mike or Michael, Nate, Neil, Patrick, Paul, Peter, Phil, Reed, Richard, Rod, Ross, Ryan, Sam, Scott, Sean or Shawn, Seth, Shane, Steve or Steven or Stephen, Tanner, Taylor, Tim, TJ (or whatever initials would work equally well), Tommy (but never Tom), Tony, Travis, Tyler, Will, Zach or Zack
To be fair, not all of these people were/are douches, but was what I gathered from a quick scan of "frat guys in my contacts list." If you want more options, I can go through facebook for more choices. I'm also happy to bold douchey ex-boyfriends if you want them especially douchey. I left off the AJs, Brians, and Kevins in my contacts (for obvious reasons). I have never met a terrible Nick. I know zero Howies.
Wow, thanks for all the suggestions! In alphabetical order, too!
I can't think of any other Howies I know either.
In Finding Carter I used Howie and AJ as frat boys. A couple others I used were Brock and Gary. Although Gary sounds nerdy haha.
Brody is a good one. Brady, Brandon, Jake, Jordan. I knew a kid named Jordan in gym class and he was a dick.
Greg is a good own. Brent. Max, Jay.
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