Fic Talk > Writer's Circle

WTF, Google Docs?

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When I was writing If I Knew Then it would correct Leighanne's name too

I wrote the sentence "Their memories made me smile."  Google thinks it should be "They're."  They are memories made me smile??  No, Google, that's a bad Google!  The memories belong to them!  No wonder people mix up their homophones, with Google giving them such bad grammar advice.

Google. Your better than this.


I don't have any funny google moments, but I've been running OF PBox through a text to speech as I write to help me catch repetitive phrasing or things that sound awkward, but aren't immediately noticeable. So I pasted my most recent scene into it and I never thought an AI could be sarcastic, but even an AI sounds super sarcastic reading the line: “Yeah, he’s a real hero for ordering his soldiers around when he feels like it.” Nick crossed his arms and glanced away from her.

I laughed really hard, basically.

LOL!  I enjoyed your grammar joke.  And the AI's sarcasm!  I always laugh listening to anything I put through those, which makes it hard to actually catch things I need to edit.

Thank you, thank you. I'm here all week.

I think it depends on the voice I use. Some of them are definitely funnier than others. I painstakingly went through and picked the voices that I thought sounded most like Nick and Minako, then use them for their narrated chapters. I've considered switching back and forth depending on who's speaking, but it just feels like too much effort. However, I don't laugh at the narration and that was the goal.


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