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Author Topic: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)  (Read 362634 times)


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2021, 02:23:24 AM »

I loved that reading challenge. It was a lot of fun.


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2021, 09:05:17 PM »

This is the second night of quiet on here. Did I break the message board?
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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #17 on: June 16, 2021, 04:06:01 AM »

Hi! I'm alive!

That's all LOL.
Double Rainbow Fiction - So Bright and So Vivid...

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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #18 on: June 16, 2021, 04:38:13 PM »

LOL Dee must be busy with the hubby on their staycation.  I've been checking in, but can't think of anything new to say.

Hi Rose!  Glad to see you on here!  We've missed you in fanficland!

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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2021, 09:45:17 PM »

This is the second night of quiet on here. Did I break the message board?

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2021, 10:31:20 PM »

Welcome back, and happy belated anniversary!  Hope you enjoyed your staycation!

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2021, 10:38:30 PM »

I feel this way sometimes too, but I guess that's a good thing!  It's nice to be at a place where you can look back at your own work and enjoy and appreciate it without cringing or wishing it could be better.  That's not to say it couldn't be better; I know I'm not perfect.  But these days, I'm generally happy with everything I write that gets to the point of posting, even if no one else reads it.

I often tell myself that if I don't post things, no one is able to read them at all, so it's important to be our own biggest cheerleaders. :) I think we're all meticulous enough in at least some aspects that we don't just post willy nilly anymore. I will stop generalizing. I've become more meticulous and no longer post willy nilly. Heck, the last chapter I posted went through 3-4 versions before it got to this one. I am tired of editing and writing today and words are hard, lol.

Very true!  I've had friends and readers tell me that they used to feel very nervous giving feedback.  They didn't know what to say besides "Great story!" or how to put their thoughts into words.  While there are probably some writers who don't care about comments that just say "Great story!" I think most of us would rather hear that than nothing at all.  Obviously more detailed comments are preferable, but I'm just happy knowing someone read and liked my story, even if that's all they say.  But I guess it's probably easier to craft detailed feedback when you're a writer yourself.

Even writing, I know that I have moments where I don't know how to put my thoughts into words and have said "I don't have anything to say, but I swear this isn't a you thing, it's a me thing. I need to process, but wanted to make sure you knew I was here," lol. Same, any old comment would be awesome, the detailed ones are just extra great. :)

That's also true about what kind of feedback we're all hoping for.  Some writers really want concrit, and others are not ready for it.  I think that comes with experience and maturity.  I don't leave concrit unless I'm asked directly or it's to a good friend who I know won't get offended by it.  And of course I always sandwich it between compliments.

I guess for me, there's varying levels of concrit. I've usually mentioned something if it feels like a clarity issue like "I am confused who is the POV here in this thought, xyz general solution may help (like a new paragraph or a "dialogue" tag)" or "I see an 'aroused' that is probably supposed to be 'roused,' but I guess 'aroused' could work..." (Who has made both of these mistakes in the past? Me, obviously, lol.) I always figure the last thing I want is for anyone reading something of mine to be confused, so if I have a confusion moment, I do like to mention it. For creative things, sandwiching is probably better than the "big 'ol face of meat" version. I like concrit wraps for things like I mentioned, doesn't get lost in the bread, lol. I wouldn't give any concrit like "I skimmed this part on the first read and here's a possible reason why" or something without being asked though. Story structure, plot, and character development are much larger pieces of a work than spelling/grammatical errors or formatting issues and deserve some more care and discussion that starts with an ask. I'll call the spelling/grammar/formatting ones a 2-minute concrit. Can it be fixed in two minutes or less? Worth mentioning.

I think concrit is like most change. If you're trying to give it to someone that doesn't want it, it won't be acknowledged until they're ready.

One of the best things we did here when the forum was more active was the summer reading challenge.  It ran a few years in a row before it fizzled out due to lack of participation.  People would sign up to read a story they hadn't read and give feedback, and in return, someone would read one of their stories and give feedback. Concrit was allowed and expected; we all know that going in, so it was easier to give and receive it.

That sounds super fun! And a great way to improve something when you're ready as an author. I wonder if there's some way to revive the summer reading challenge in a looser format. Like the summer read-a-thons kids do. Was the lack of participation exacerbated by slower forum participation in general? Obviously it wouldn't be a concrit thing if the people having their stories read didn't know we were doing it, but encouraging some reading would be fun. :)

I think the reading challenge was the best thing we ever did on this forum.
I loved that reading challenge. It was a lot of fun.

It seems like enjoying it in the days of yore is a universal opinion.

I could definitely see that too.  In the early days of fanfic, I remember assuming the "popular" fanfic authors got so much feedback, they wouldn't even see or have time to reply to my emails, so I didn't bother.  Once I finally had a "popular" story myself, I realized that wasn't the case.  At my peak, I would get maybe ten pieces of feedback per chapter on average?  Certainly nothing unmanageable.  I happily read, replied to, and saved every one.  Obviously it's different if you're JK Rowling LOL.  But even successful published authors appreciate hearing from readers.  I once tweeted a picture of my collection of Lurlene McDaniel novels with a comment about how much they influenced my writing, and I tagged her, and she actually replied to me!  I was over the moon.  (I just went to look up this tweet and saw that her Twitter account is suspended... whoops! LOL  She is one of those Bible belt Trumpsters... so disappointing, but not entirely surprising. :()  Anyway, I never would have even thought to try contacting her directly.  I don't usually tweet or tag the Boys either.  I have met them quite a few times by now, and I still get nervous and never know what to say to them LOL.  So I get the intimidation factor.

I thought that in my initial ventures into reading fanfic, but after writing I figured there's no point in publishing something if you're not wanting people to read it and interact with you in some way. When it's online, the interaction piece is simpler. I'm sure there are plenty of authors that don't really respond to feedback/comments, but I don't know that that has anything to do with popularity of the story. Again, unless it's Harry Potter or something, then the sheer volume of feedback really would be an issue.

That's so awesome/sweet that she replied to you! I can bet you were absolutely over the moon! I'm really excited for you, even though I feel like this happened a while ago. I only did it on my pumpkin an "I made this, it's yours to enjoy" type thought (Howie liked it and I nearly died.) I'm less inclined on a photo, though they share those to their instagram stories all the time, so what do I know? lol I've mentioned this pumpkin and never posted it, I think out of the hope someone would be like "It's January, but show us your pumpkin." So, it's June, but here's my pumpkin, lol (different angles and draft on paper available if you like details).

I read other comments that are already there, but I don't typically go back and look at comments on other people's stories after the fact.  The only time I do is if it's for a chapter with a really shocking or pivotal moment; then I do like to see how everyone else reacted.

That's another good point about people not wanting to comment if they feel they have nothing new to say.  But again, I would prefer five comments from different people that say exactly the same thing or "I agree" to just one.  Agree away!

I do like the kudos feature on AO3 because it's an easy way to acknowledge that read and enjoyed a story without actually having to say anything.  You can even do it without an account.  As someone would would rather just like/react on Facebook than actually leave a comment, I get the appeal of that.

I think I only go back if I'm still reading the story and there's something that was foreshadowed. I like to see who caught it. If it's before I've left a review, I will definitely look at what other people have to say.

In the spirit of agreeing, I agree with this sentiment, lol.

I figure a kudos is the same as a heart on twitter or instagram. I am very liberal with my hearts. As a social media lurker, I totally understand the appeal. I do wish that there was a "work kudos" and "chapter kudos" though, then there would be a way to know if silent people were reading along and enjoying.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2021, 12:00:55 AM by nicksgal »

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2021, 11:00:14 PM »

Nick is home from tour now, so he has more to say and do that I actually want to write! LOL

I was proud of myself last night (technically this morning) because even though I had already written earlier in the day, I got back on the computer after finishing my movie at 1 a.m. and went back to writing.  I officially made it to sunrise for the first time this summer.  Went to bed at 5 something and slept till noon.  I haven't written a word of fanfic yet since I woke up because I popped over here first, but I left off in the middle of a scene, so I should have no problem adding more to it later.

An excellent point, we have already discussed that there are minimal new things to say about "The Boys performed The Call, just like always, and stuff like that." ;)

Ooh, double writing! I love when I can take a break and get back into the groove, and that's especially exciting that you were able to do it so late in the day. Did you have any caffeine when you started writing again or was it just pure inspiration/work? Hope writing has gone well the past couple of days. Were they up 'til sunrise ones?

Aww, I hear your frustration.  As much as we love our friends, it's annoying when social obligations pull you away from your writing, especially when you were just getting in the groove!  I hope you're left alone today and can get more writing done before your staycation starts!

My bestie is teaching summer school this month, so she has been busier than usual, which is fine with me.  I have plans with her and a few other friends Wednesday night, but have had the past week mostly to myself, other than a few ball games and lunch with my mom and grandma.

It's not their fault I thought maybe I could finish the story last weekend, lol. I had a great time. I'm sure if I really said, "This is important to me and I'm doing this thing" they would leave me alone. I'm trying to save that for when I get sucked in and have one chapter left, though, because that feels like something people would get. Having mentioned my novel to a few other people, I have had so many people tell me they've been wanting to write children's books. I'm very supportive, but also writing a children's book seems a lot more difficult to me (being the verbose person I am, lol), so I'm surprised so many people are interested. :)

I hope you got a lot done during your week to yourself and had a great time tonight! I'm always bummed when my bestie is busy, which is all the time since she's working toward her Nurse Practitioner doctorate. I've always told her if she wants me to sit next to her while she studies, I will happily write at her house and keep her company. :) Especially as she knows PBox&Co has fanfic origins/existence since its inception in 2005.

Our staycation was nice and relaxing, but I'm bummed about going to work tomorrow. I should have just taken the entire week off, lol! Writing went alright for having things to do. I got about 1600 words written over those three days, which is lower than a typical Sunday (let alone a Sunday through Tuesday), but the goal was to keep the streak alive, so overall I'm happy that the streak lives. And then most of today was the fourth draft of this week's update chapter. I only fought the urge to scrap it entirely twice! lol. Now that that's all done, I can hopefully get back into these last three chapters of PNecklace. I have a little over 4,000 words to go at minimum. :) I skipped part of one chapter, thinking one thing was my break between two chapters, but now I'm thinking that's not the case, so my next step is to go back to it and fill in what I initially skipped and see if there's a better place to break up the chapters during the events. I definitely wrote down something like "what is x doing during all this?" in my notes, so I think I need a little more picturing before I commit this section to paper.

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2021, 11:49:02 PM »

Even writing, I know that I have moments where I don't know how to put my thoughts into words and have said "I don't have anything to say, but I swear this isn't a you thing, it's a me thing. I need to process, but wanted to make sure you knew I was here," lol. Same, any old comment would be awesome, the detailed ones are just extra great. :)

So true!  The feedback I do leave is often just my reactions as a reader more than anything super deep and insightful, and sometimes I don't even have much of a reaction to share.  But anything is better than nothing.

Story structure, plot, and character development are much larger pieces of a work than spelling/grammatical errors or formatting issues and deserve some more care and discussion that starts with an ask. I'll call the spelling/grammar/formatting ones a 2-minute concrit. Can it be fixed in two minutes or less? Worth mentioning.

I think concrit is like most change. If you're trying to give it to someone that doesn't want it, it won't be acknowledged until they're ready.

I love the two minute rule of thumb.  That's so true.  Quick corrections on typos or grammatical errors that can be easily fixed are one thing.  I hope no one would get annoyed by that, as long as that's not the only kind of feedback you're giving - then it might come across as nitpicky if you're not in a betareader role.  Personally, I appreciate having this type of thing pointed out so I can fix it.  It may annoy me that I made the error and didn't catch it before posting, but I want to fix it.  Issues that affect the whole story and would be almost impossible to fix without a lot of revising/rewriting are a different matter.  Some writers will welcome this type of concrit, too, and others will just be overwhelmed and/or discouraged by it.  For me personally, once a story is posted, I'm not going to go back and make any major changes to it, so I would mostly welcome concrit or advice that could help me out with future stories.

The most concrit I've ever gotten for a story was about Claire's behavior in BMS.  At the time, I was kinda bummed about readers turning against her, but looking back, I was able to learn a lesson from it about letting the characters guide the story and not sacrificing them for the sake of the plot by forcing them to do things they wouldn't really do.  I'm not going to rewrite BMS, but I feel like I've been able to apply that lesson to the stories I've written since and not make that mistake again.

That sounds super fun! And a great way to improve something when you're ready as an author. I wonder if there's some way to revive the summer reading challenge in a looser format. Like the summer read-a-thons kids do. Was the lack of participation exacerbated by slower forum participation in general? Obviously it wouldn't be a concrit thing if the people having their stories read didn't know we were doing it, but encouraging some reading would be fun. :)

Yeah, I think the reading challenge died as the forum and BSB fanfic in general were dying down.  I know I didn't participate the last summer or two we did it because I was taking summer classes for my master's program and already had too much on my plate, and by the time I was ready to participate again, we had stopped doing it.

What about something where we each pick a fic that's been talked about here, but we've never personally read?  For example, I never read Mare's Why I'd Do It All Again.  I don't know why; I've read a lot of her stories, but I either missed that one or just didn't get it into it.  I honestly don't even remember trying to read it, but it's an older story, so who knows.  I've also never read PBox in its entirety.  I think I read the beginning once, but I don't remember much about it besides what I know from reading your posts here.  I haven't read Tracy's Nick and Amanda series either, which would make me reluctant to read a Brian spin-off of it.  So it might be nice to catch up on something like that.

That's so awesome/sweet that she replied to you! I can bet you were absolutely over the moon! I'm really excited for you, even though I feel like this happened a while ago. I only did it on my pumpkin an "I made this, it's yours to enjoy" type thought (Howie liked it and I nearly died.) I'm less inclined on a photo, though they share those to their instagram stories all the time, so what do I know? lol I've mentioned this pumpkin and never posted it, I think out of the hope someone would be like "It's January, but show us your pumpkin." So, it's June, but here's my pumpkin, lol (different angels and draft on paper available if you like details).

Yeah, it was a few years ago.

I love your pumpkin!  That's awesome that Howie saw it and liked it!

I figure a kudos is the same as a heart on twitter or instagram. I am very liberal with my hearts. As a social media lurker, I totally understand the appeal. I do wish that there was a "work kudos" and "chapter kudos" though, then there would be a way to know if silent people were reading along and enjoying.

Yep, that's how I take them too.  I agree; it would be nice to have the option to leave kudos on individual chapters without it skewing the overall story's kudos count.

Something else I realized about AO3's stats compared to AC's is that AO3 records hits based on the IP address, whereas AC's read count is based purely on clicks.  On AO3, a reader who starts a story and reads ten chapters in a row will only be recorded as one hit, and if you click on your own work, it doesn't count as a hit.  On AC, every time you click on a chapter of your own story, it adds one to the read count, so reading ten chapters of your own story would add ten to the read count.  You could jack up your own read count by simply refreshing a chapter of your story over and over again.  Combine that with the spambot problem on AC, and it's always going to look like your stories are getting read a lot more on AC than on AO3, but AO3's hit count is more accurate.

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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #24 on: June 17, 2021, 12:12:09 AM »

Ooh, double writing! I love when I can take a break and get back into the groove, and that's especially exciting that you were able to do it so late in the day. Did you have any caffeine when you started writing again or was it just pure inspiration/work? Hope writing has gone well the past couple of days. Were they up 'til sunrise ones?

I had a really good writing day Monday!  I was up till sunrise and then wrote again later in the day and stayed up till sunrise again.  Definitely fueled by caffeine.  I think Monday night/Tuesday morning is the day I didn't go to bed until like 7 a.m. LOL.  Of course, that messed me up so much that the rest of the day yesterday was much less productive.  I did watch The Butterfly Effect though.  I hadn't seen it in years, and I enjoyed it just as much as I remember enjoying it back in the day.

Today I made myself get up in the morning so I could mow the lawn before it got too hot, and then I went out for dinner and drinks with some friends tonight, so it has not been productive at all, but I'm up in here my writing room and have written about 200 words so far.  Enough to keep the streak alive, at least.  I'm tired, so we'll see how late I make it tonight.

It's not their fault I thought maybe I could finish the story last weekend, lol. I had a great time. I'm sure if I really said, "This is important to me and I'm doing this thing" they would leave me alone. I'm trying to save that for when I get sucked in and have one chapter left, though, because that feels like something people would get. Having mentioned my novel to a few other people, I have had so many people tell me they've been wanting to write children's books. I'm very supportive, but also writing a children's book seems a lot more difficult to me (being the verbose person I am, lol), so I'm surprised so many people are interested. :)

I also think writing a children's book is probably harder than it sounds.  You have to put even more thought into word choice and packing more meaning into fewer words.  I'm right there with you on being verbose LOL.  It also seems like there would be more rules and/or formulas to follow for it to be considered publishable.  I hope they do their research!

Remember when Nick said last year he wanted to write a children's book?  I wonder if anything's actually happening with that.  They all say a lot of things, but every once in a while, they actually deliver on one of those ideas.  Nick did write a memoir and a movie, so I could see him writing a children's book.  Who ever thought Nick would turn out to be the writer in the group? LOL

I hope you got a lot done during your week to yourself and had a great time tonight! I'm always bummed when my bestie is busy, which is all the time since she's working toward her Nurse Practitioner doctorate. I've always told her if she wants me to sit next to her while she studies, I will happily write at her house and keep her company. :) Especially as she knows PBox&Co has fanfic origins/existence since its inception in 2005.

I did have fun, thanks!

That's nice of you to offer!  I don't think I would be able to write or study sitting right next to someone else; I would get too distracted.  I need quiet and privacy.

Our staycation was nice and relaxing, but I'm bummed about going to work tomorrow. I should have just taken the entire week off, lol! Writing went alright for having things to do. I got about 1600 words written over those three days, which is lower than a typical Sunday (let alone a Sunday through Tuesday), but the goal was to keep the streak alive, so overall I'm happy that the streak lives. And then most of today was the fourth draft of this week's update chapter. I only fought the urge to scrap it entirely twice! lol. Now that that's all done, I can hopefully get back into these last three chapters of PNecklace. I have a little over 4,000 words to go at minimum. :) I skipped part of one chapter, thinking one thing was my break between two chapters, but now I'm thinking that's not the case, so my next step is to go back to it and fill in what I initially skipped and see if there's a better place to break up the chapters during the events. I definitely wrote down something like "what is x doing during all this?" in my notes, so I think I need a little more picturing before I commit this section to paper.

I'm glad you had a good time on your staycation!  Aww, you should have taken the rest of the week.  It's always harder to go back to work after extra days off.  1600 words over three days on vacation isn't bad!  If you stuck to the plan to only write an hour a day, that's really not bad at all! 

It's nice to just take some time to think and visualize upcoming scenes before you write them.  I hope you get some clarity so you can write these next few parts!

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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #25 on: June 17, 2021, 08:30:47 AM »

Happy to report that my quest to be inspired to work on Take Me Home has been successful and I got a chapter finished for it. I was so happy. I had been watching some movies to inspire myself and I reread what I had posted to get back into it. I hadn't updated it since 2019. I'm feeling hopeful I'll be able to finish this one too!

Julie, I'm still not sure if I'll post the Brian spin off because I think the idea needs some more work. So no pressure to read the rest of the series, not to mention it's not my best work LOL it's very cheesy. There's also some plot inconsistency as well but as a whole that series was fun to write.


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #26 on: June 17, 2021, 01:21:55 PM »

Yay Tracy!  That's an awesome feeling to get back into a story and finish a chapter after so long.  I hope there will be many more where this one came from once History is finished!

LOL We've all got those cheesy old stories.  Was Nick and Amanda one of your first ones?

Question I thought of for everyone:  If you were going to write a sequel, prequel, or spin-off to one of your older stories, which one would it be?

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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #27 on: June 17, 2021, 02:54:08 PM »

Incomplete was the first story I ever posted but Nick and Amanda is technically the first story I ever wrote, because it started as a thing my former best friend and I did back in high school. So I've been writing it a lot longer than the 10 years it took me to finish online. It started as only one story, called By My Side. Then I changed the name to You Give Love A Bad Name. I then decided I wanted to tell the story of how Nick and Amanda met so I wrote At The Beginning and Not The Other Guy. Still the One and From This Moment On came later so it just became a huge series lol. This is probably why there's some inconsistent things, that don't really change the story or anything but they still bother me and have been pointed out, like Nick knowing how to cook, or that he cleans and Amanda not knowing and her being impressed. I keep meaning to go back and fix it but I just haven't had time.


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #28 on: June 19, 2021, 06:07:27 PM »

Will come back and finish catching up; just popping in to cheer everyone on. Backsync made me feel super justified in making Lance and Joey fairly decent in PBox and gave me the boost of motivation/inspiration I think I needed to finish. Two half chapters remain, about 3,000 words to go! I believe!

Much inspiration to you all this Saturday!

People think it would be fun to be a bird because you could fly. But they forget the negative side, which is the preening.

From "And Now, Deep Thoughts" by Jack Handey


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Re: Writing & Thread (aka The Writing Thread 4)
« Reply #29 on: June 19, 2021, 06:34:18 PM »

You can do it!!

I must admit, the BackSync thing was pretty entertaining.  The BSB vs. NSYNC thing is still so engrained in me, it feels weird to find myself enjoying videos of them performing each other's songs together, but I did.  My inner fourteen-year-old's head was about to explode last night LOL.  But NSYNC songs are so much better with two Backstreet Boys instead of Justin and JC.  If I had to pick a favorite NSYNCer, it's always been Joey, and for as much as I've made fun of Lance over the years, he really does seem like a fun guy.  Chris seems okay too.  I guess Home Depot didn't give him the night off to join the others this time - too bad.

I have been writing slowly, but steadily this afternoon.  It's the first day I've had to myself since Tuesday, so I'm enjoying it.  I feel like I've been more productive than I actually have in terms of word count, but part of that time was spent looking at pictures of Kevin's old house and trying to figure out how the rooms are laid out.  I drew myself a little blueprint, and it helped.  Hoping to finish Chapter 21 today.

"Sometimes writers and sociopaths are hard to tell apart." -J.K. Rowling
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