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*Tri's Updates*

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--- Quote from: Tri on April 10, 2008, 07:27:52 PM ---Well, let me just start off with something we've all heard before...  "Don't judge a book by its cover!"  lol.  I mean, it's kind of tough when you haven't read my work and you're just making assumptions...  To be honest, it's not really a major romance series... The first story definitely was, but it's more focused on family and friends and how the main couple's relationship is affected by the people around them.  It's not a huge drama, either.  I base it more on every day life (or how MY every day life is) because I'm not a huge fan of crazy drama.  Sure, bad things happen just like in real life, but it's not like there's cheating and lots of dying and all that kind of thing...  I'm generally a happy and optimistic person and I'll be the first to admit that my sunny outlook shines through in my writing.  I know it's not for everyone, but it makes me happy and my readers seem to enjoy it! 

Also, as much as I hate to admit this... It's been easy for me to stick with this series because I've been so busy since I got my first teaching job this past fall.  It's been simple to stick with the same familiar characters and all of that.  Am I attached by now?  Oh yeah.  Do I have time to create new characters right now?  Not exactly.  I really write just for fun and I haven't even written much more than a short prologue for almost a month now...  My career takes up a lot of time, so right now I do what I want.  Like I said, it makes me happy and I think that it's important for writers to enjoy their own work and not just write to please others.

Now, I don't know you and I hope you don't think I'M being too harsh here, but I'm just being honest with you.  I haven't read any of your work and I'm assuming from what you said that you're not into romances, but I respect that.  Believe me, I hardly read anyone's work on AC.  I get sick of the cliche romances and all of that just as much as the next person.  If I have one person that enjoys what I write, that's great.  If not, oh well...  At least I'm doing what I enjoy.  I hope you're doing the same!  :)

Thanks for asking, Rose!  I hope I answered your question.

--- End quote ---

Well I wanted to know before I started, cause it is rare to see fanfic span that long you know? Like number of stories wise. There's epics (such as Broken and By My Side amazing fics that are like 200 chapters a piece). but they're still only two stories. And when it's broken into separate novels, usually there is very different tale which is why they're separate. So seeing yours sparked my curiosity is all.

As for my writing, I actually have two romances...(well 3 if you count one sequel) of my own. But I tend to write almost anything striking my fancy, sci-fi, fantasy, AU...etc. I just, write what randomness I feel, and I love it. And it seems to come off well so far. I collab often, I discuss fics, cause I enjoy what I do creatively. If you do the same, more power to you. :)

And I read romances, but admittedly I am extremely picky with them. I just like discussing writing with other authors about their work, and figured I could ask without it being all dramatic so thank you :). I have work and college going so I have a severe lack of time myself. Hence me replying at 1 am cause I can't sleep and just got home from a night out only an hour ago. Sometimes, when you don't have the time to read the way you like, all you can do is judge from the cover and summaries. Sad, but true everyone judges by the cover first. In a store, for example, when you see a book, or a title. You can't exactly read it all in the store right? I see this as the same idea, so we all judge by covers/banners, or if you have the opportunity, ask the author herself.

Thank you for answering honestly :)


--- Quote from: Rose on April 11, 2008, 03:17:51 AM ---Well I wanted to know before I started, cause it is rare to see fanfic span that long you know? Like number of stories wise. There's epics (such as Broken and By My Side amazing fics that are like 200 chapters a piece). but they're still only two stories. And when it's broken into separate novels, usually there is very different tale which is why they're separate. So seeing yours sparked my curiosity is all.

As for my writing, I actually have two romances...(well 3 if you count one sequel) of my own. But I tend to write almost anything striking my fancy, sci-fi, fantasy, AU...etc. I just, write what randomness I feel, and I love it. And it seems to come off well so far. I collab often, I discuss fics, cause I enjoy what I do creatively. If you do the same, more power to you. :)

And I read romances, but admittedly I am extremely picky with them. I just like discussing writing with other authors about their work, and figured I could ask without it being all dramatic so thank you :). I have work and college going so I have a severe lack of time myself. Hence me replying at 1 am cause I can't sleep and just got home from a night out only an hour ago. Sometimes, when you don't have the time to read the way you like, all you can do is judge from the cover and summaries. Sad, but true everyone judges by the cover first. In a store, for example, when you see a book, or a title. You can't exactly read it all in the store right? I see this as the same idea, so we all judge by covers/banners, or if you have the opportunity, ask the author herself.

Thank you for answering honestly :)

--- End quote ---

Yeah, that definitely makes sense.  Thanks for asking me then!  If you're into reading about a couple with a family, then my series is for you.  If not, well, that's fine.  I know it's not everyone's cup of tea.  :)

I've been so busy lately with school and work and I'm in such a funk right now to be honest.  I really hope I get out of it so I can update again soon.  In the meantime, if you do start to write, feel free to let me know on here or in a review and I'd love to hear your honest opinion of my work!  My series is very dear to my heart, but I'm always interested in hearing what people think.

Again, thanks for asking and thank you for replying.  lol, last night, I was majorly PMSing so if my response was somewhat harsh, I'm sorry.  Take care, Rose!  :D

I FINALLY updated again!  I'm excited.  :D  I hope you all enjoy the update.  Let me know here or in a review.  Thanks!!

I just updated with Chapter 21 of It's Our Love!  I hope you'll check it out.  It's getting into some of the angst/drama chapters and it's going to keep building for a while.  I hope all of you readers that have been waiting for that are going to be pleased.  :)

I started Chapter 1 of Last One to Know and I'm hoping to have an update within the next week.  We'll have to see how it works out. 

As always, thanks for reading!  :D

It's been a while since I've updated, but I just posted Chapter 34 of It's Our Love.  Please read and review if you get the chance!  It's the beginning of a lot of emotional turmoil with Nick. 

In the meantime, I'm trying to get Chapter 10 of Last One to Know out within the next few days.  Hopefully I will!

Thanks for reading!  ;D


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