Fic Talk > Updates
Once Upon a Time FINISHED (FINALLY!)
i updated this story with its epilogue a couple days ago, and i must say i am thrilled its over. the story didn't go where i wanted it to go or have any of the depth i wanted it to have, but it's done! after so many months, it's OVER!
now, that leaves me with SIX more unfinished stories to finish LOL
Congrats on finishing, Sarah!! That always feels so good... especially when it's a story you had a hard time with. It happens, but you rock for finishing it! :)
congrats on finishing! I just finished Why and it felt great. :)
thanks, guys! it does feel pretty awesome! what doesn't feel awesome is looking at the list of unfinished stories I have and wondering when they'll ever get done LOL I guess the ones that I'm planning on focusing on for the next little while are Proving them Wrong, Monster in the Closet (only 2 chapters to go!), and Unrequited. Everything else is on the backburner as are the story ideas that are always itching to be written down LOL I don't know how some authors only focus on one story for years (like Julie) because I'd love to be them. Any advice? LOL
I've always been more of a one-story-at-a-time kind of writer. That's not to say I only have one unfinished story at a time, but I always have one "main" one and one or more "back-ups" to work on when I'm stuck on the main one LOL. I used to write a lot shorter novels, so I could finish one and move on to the next pretty quickly. Broken's the first story I spent more than a year writing continuously, and now BMS has been going on for over three LOL. Crazy when I think about it, but I'm so attached to it that there's really nothing else I'd rather be writing. I'll be happy to finish it just because it will give me such a huge feeling of accomplishment, but I will miss it too.
I think maybe my thing is that I wrote so many stories the first year I wrote fanfic, I used up a lot of my ideas... and I have a lot of other ideas that have been sitting around waiting for me to finish Broken/BMS, but most of them have plot holes, or I've tried starting them before and haven't gotten very far... there are reasons why I haven't written them before now. So now that you've been writing awhile, maybe the ideas will slow down and you won't be so tempted to jump into new stories all the time. Or maybe you're just so blessed with imagination and inspiration that you'll keep on coming up with unique story ideas and always have a bunch of stories going on at the same time LOL.
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