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In The Shadows

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Purpura Lipstick:
how come nobody wants to write with me :(


--- Quote from: Purpura Lipstick on February 02, 2008, 12:09:30 AM ---how come nobody wants to write with me :(

--- End quote ---

Aww. Am I a jerk for never wanting to write with anyone else besides sarah? I've actually turned a lot of people down in that department and I always feel sooo guilty about it. I love everyone but I'm such a one man show because I'm a bit of a story nazi and if Sarah didn't basically share my brain then I probably couldn't co-write with anyone.

I was actually really surprised how Sarah and I's collab came about. She seemed almost like she was afraid to ask me if I wanted to do a story together and it wasn't the first time someone had asked me to work with them. Usually I cringe, but when Sarah asked I got all giddy and was like we could so totally write the bestest Brian romance ever! So I never even hesitated. Weird huh? I never thought I would do a collab. (other than 00carter, but that's a huge thing and much different than working with just one other person.)

OMG NO WAY! I can't believe it either, but...There's an update to In the Shadows!!

Now, don't get too excited lol It's not really an update, update. It's something I like to call an interlude to the story. What I added to the story is actually a short little chapter designed to get me back into the mood to write Shadows. Kelly and I have been kinda letting my lack of motivation slide, but I thought "No more!" Our readers want the story, so we're gonna give it to them lol

Anyway, we both really liked my little writing exercise lol, so we hope our readers will, too! But yay! There's finally something new!

This time, there's been a real update to In the Shadows! I worked my fingers off on a chapter that ended up being almost 15 whole pages, and Kelly and I think it's pretty good on getting the ball rolling on the real juicy Avenging Angel/Mac's investigation parts of the story. So yay!

Also, since Kelly's writing next, I'm sure there will be an update soon since she's faster about those than me lol

Kelly just updated In the Shadows with her latest, most awesome chapter! YAY KELLY!

(she's the best, in case you didn't already know :P)


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