Fic Talk > Updates
In The Shadows
awww Maggie, you're a sweetheart! We don't deserve it. But we're excited too and yeah, you should totally have an update by the end of the week. Thanks bunches!!!
Oops! I forgot to do this, but there was an In the Shadows update yesterday! Kelly and I are so proud of ourselves for doing so well so far on the collabing for this awesome story! Whoo!
i think it is cool. sorry for the lack of words here, but I liked it so hope u do more
So before I forget, I finally got my act together and wrote the next chapter in the great crowning glory of a story that Kelly and I are writing! It's been updated on AC, and, hopefully, I'll stop being a lame writing partner and help out in getting the next chapter up soon! For those who've been reading it, we hope you enjoy..If you haven' SHOULD :)
Kelly updated our lovely collab today! It's a fun chapter, and we're finally starting to get into the story! While we're both working extra hard on specific stories, we're still going to try to fit this one in, but we're having lots of fun with Brian playing a vigilante who's trying to save the world one bad guy at a time! Check it out *nudge*
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