Fic Talk > Updates
Divisions Of Reality
Have I even started a topic for this one yet? Wow shame on me lol. This started out as a collab with Stephanie, who's penname was bluecloud, and best known for writing "Sammy". As collabs do sometimes, this one fizzled out so for the past 5 chapters I've been flying solo.
It is a sci-fi, taking place in the year 3999, with 3 people from vastly different lives, destined to rise above everything they must face to either damn all creation or give it salavtion, whichever happens will be for all eternity.
It's got Howie, Brian, and Nick, and eventually (though the scene they come up in hasn't been written yet lol) AJ and Kevin. It mainly focuses on Brian, Nick, and an original character.
I started it in like...2003 but it was a side project for both of us, and as the collab started fizzling, updates took longer, hence the LONG time span. And you can also definitely see the writing growth from beginning to the most updated chapter lol. But I'm working on trying to finish it.
Okay, very long rambly post is over. I just updated it, so PLEASE check it out and give it a chance :)
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