Fic Talk > Updates
Hawk and a Handsaw update! *gasps*
I know, I know, I'm a horrible person for updating like... NEVER! I was so inspired by Mare telling me when I have my next chapter done that I not only finished it but I surpassed the deadline by nearly a whole week! :)
That being said, Chapter Thirteen of Hawk and a Handsaw is now available for reading!
I know I've said it dozens of times but this time I'm serious when I say I will put a little bit of effort into maybe getting myself to think about starting the next one. Okay? lol
Yay! *does a little happy jig*
YAY!! i'm so proud of you!! And now that I now that works i'll do it again!!
Let's say chapter 14 is due on October 15th :) lol
Oh, there's a chapter 14, and it is SO posted!
*does a little dance*
Yay again!
*hugs Mare for making Julilly update*
I'm so reading that after I get home from work later.
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