Fic Talk > Updates

Hawk and a Handsaw update! *gasps*

<< < (3/15) > >>

lmao It may be unfortunate if you yuorself didn't remember updating. lol

No, you didn't update...thus the point of me posting in your update thread. 

to borrow from Lenni, "UPDATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

that is all. :P

I was disappointed too - I got excited for a minute when I saw this thread had been updated!  Curse you Sarah!!! ;)  (jk... but I do want an update!)

Losing my notes when I moved has really slowed me down, and I'm having a hard time picking it back up since I can't remember what happens between the point I'm at now and the climax. I'm still desperately looking for the notes, or the memories that will help me get it done. I'm trying though, I promise.

Well, that's all that I can ask for ;D I was just hoping that you hadn't completely forgotten about it because that would make me  :'(  Thanks for still trying!

Sorry, Julie lol


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