Fic Talk > Updates
One thread for all my updates!
holy never updates anymore, Batman! Ok, so only like one person will be excited about this one, but I'll take that one person and lover her dearly.
I updated Jamie, finally. First new chapter after I decided to do the re-write, so it's all completely NEW! Yay!
I'm excited! Does that mean you love me dearly? lol
Kelly updated Jamie again! *throws confetti and gives Kelly a squishy hug*
lol good to know you're shamelessly plugging for me. Glad you were excited. I actually felt briefly motivated last night for a change, and finished that chapter and started the next... good times. Thanks Dee. I love you for loving this one!
If I'm doing it for you, it's not shameless. ;)
You started the next one? Yay! Update soon, please? ;D
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