Fic Talk > Updates

One thread for all my updates!

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holy never updates anymore, Batman!   Ok, so only like one person will be excited about this one, but I'll take that one person and lover her dearly.

I updated Jamie, finally. First new chapter after I decided to do the re-write, so it's all completely NEW! Yay!

I'm excited! Does that mean you love me dearly? lol

Kelly updated Jamie again! *throws confetti and gives Kelly a squishy hug*

lol good to know you're shamelessly plugging for me. Glad you were excited. I actually felt briefly motivated last night for a change, and finished that chapter and started the next... good times. Thanks Dee. I love you for loving this one!

If I'm doing it for you, it's not shameless. ;)

You started the next one? Yay! Update soon, please? ;D


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