Fic Talk > Updates

One thread for all my updates!

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Yay update! If I didn't have to wake up early, I'd be reading all night. lol


--- Quote from: fracktrain on August 20, 2008, 08:15:44 PM ---If We were a Movie and Love Potion Number Nine  :-*

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Aww, I DO need to update LP9... badly.  But Movie is done! Yay! I'm actually working on my query letter as we speak.... wish me luck.


--- Quote from: nicksgal on August 20, 2008, 10:33:19 PM ---Yay update! If I didn't have to wake up early, I'd be reading all night. lol

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LOL well sleep is important! Especially for someone whose been jumping up and down and screaming all day.  ;)  Don't worry, it will still be here waiting for you whenever you get to it. And who knows, there may even be more than one by then.

ok, I wrote my response to the August challenge, but I'm posting it here too just incase people don't read the challenge threads. 

this is my first attempt at 2nd person, and also my first attempt at a choose your own adventure, so go read it because I worked really hard on it!!!

It's Your Birthday, Howie. You Can Cry If You Want To.
A tribute to Howie's 35th brithday and my Response to Rose's challenge for the August challenge on the AC boards!

CHOOSE YOUR OWN ADVENTURE and find out how much trouble you can get into when the guys surprise you with a five-boy birthday all-nighter!


--- Quote from: honey on August 21, 2008, 01:05:05 AM ---LOL well sleep is important! Especially for someone whose been jumping up and down and screaming all day.  ;)  Don't worry, it will still be here waiting for you whenever you get to it. And who knows, there may even be more than one by then.

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Aww, thankies. :) Well, I'm going to start soon. :)


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