Fic Talk > Updates

One thread for all my updates!

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Don't worry, Kelly! I love Jamie!

well I got 4 pages done!!! I'm gettin there!

Ok, I updated Jamie again, which is basically like 2 in a row. so YAY for that!  And I think I only have 3 (maybe 4) chapters left, so the end should probably come really fast. I'll be doing the finished story happy dance here soon!

But I haven't forgotten about my FF deadline. I'm shooting for Friday!!!

What do mean only three or four chapters? :'(

Aww, well stories gotta end somewhere and this one is already longer than Whitmore Lake and Searching For Mercy...

I do have ideas for 2 more Jamie novels, but I'm going to take a break from the characters before I start them. I've got 2 other stories (V Is For Virgin, and Once Upon A Suburb) that I'd like to work on next. Those two are a lot lighter and more fluffy than Jamie and it will be nice to get me away from all the angst for a while. Then I'll be all ready for Jamie's next big adventure.


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